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  • environmental-education
AIM: Linking political and environmental action with history
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Author: The Genius Group of MadisonGrade Level: fourth/fifthContent Area(s): Social studies, First Nations history, literacy, environmental literacyContext: Students will learn about the American Indian Movement in the United States. The unit is divided into three sections in which primary source images and texts drive inquiry and understanding of this time in history. A slide deck featuring these sources is used in each of the three sections.Section One is a learning provocation with opportunites for rich discussion and wonderings.Section Two is history of the AIM protests and demands, with extra attention to the environment issues revealed.Section Three is for further study, some supplemental resources to investigate the Embridge pipeline dispute with Ojibwe BadRiver Tribe and the history of protests in northern Wisconsin about treaty rights regarding spearfishing.

English Language Arts
Environmental Literacy and Sustainability
Social Studies
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Sandy Benton
The genius group from Madison Wisconsin
Rick Erickson
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Aadizookaan (Winter Only)
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Storytelling is an important part of traditional Native American culture. It is important to remember that some stories can only be told in the Winter out of respect for the names that can only be told when the snow is on the ground. Please use the references shared on this page in accordance with the respectful practice of Winter only storytelling. As always, it is best to have the guidance of an experienced elder and / or storyteller when planning best use in the classroom. This unit blended the use of traditional knowledge with textbook based science concepts to show the interconnection between them. Many traditional stories give an explanation of plant and animal adaptations that have a scientific benefit for the organism.

Environmental Literacy and Sustainability
Environmental Science
Life Science
World Languages
Material Type:
Primary Source
Reference Material
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
Sandy Benton
Tammy Moncel
Rick Erickson
Date Added:
American Indian Curriculum Links by Lucille Burr.pdf
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0.0 stars

Recommended resources that Lucille Barr has used in her classroom. Lucille has graciously shared them with the Advancing Environmental Literacy through Culturally-Relevant Text Sets group.

Environmental Literacy and Sustainability
Social Studies
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Lucille Barr
Date Added:
Facing the Future: Lessons in Sustainability
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Facing the Future interdisciplinary curriculum provide educators with the educational materials and resources they need to ignite their students’ interest in complex global issues while helping them achieve academically. They have these four goals:
• Understand global issues and sustainability in a way that shows the connections between population, environment, consumption, poverty, conflict, and other global issues
• Develop a global perspective
• Learn critical thinking skills
• Be inspired to take personal action

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Literacy and Sustainability
Environmental Science
Health Education
Life Science
Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Western Washington University
Facing the Future
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Fruits of Wisconsin (special emphasis - raspberries)
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This unit begins and ends with the motivating reality that my fifth graders are responsible forthe raspberry patch on our school grounds. Since they are responsible for maintaining,harvesting, and caring for this patch in general, it is a logical connection that they should beknowledgeable about it. In the end, it is a true learning-by-doing experience. It should benoted that this is an ongoing recurring type of unit that we come back to with variousexperiences throughout the school year.

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Environmental Literacy and Sustainability
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Sandy Benton
Jeff McKean
Date Added:
Global Freshwater Crisis, Spring 2011
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For the first time in history, the global demand for freshwater is overtaking its supply in many parts of the world. The U.N. predicts that by 2025, more than half of the countries in the world will be experiencing water stress or outright shortages. Lack of water can cause disease, food shortages, starvation, migrations, political conflict, and even lead to war. Models of cooperation, both historic and contemporary, show the way forward. The first half of the course details the multiple facets of the water crisis. Topics include water systems, water transfers, dams, pollution, climate change, scarcity, water conflict/cooperation, food security, and agriculture. The second half of the course describes innovative solutions: Adaptive technologies and adaptation through policy, planning, management, economic tools, and finally, human behaviors required to preserve this precious and imperiled resource. Several field trips to water/wastewater/biosolids reuse and water-energy sites will help us to better comprehend both local and international challenges and solutions.

Environmental Science
Life Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Murcott, Susan
Date Added:
The Impact of Culture on Connecting to the Environment
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Developing environmentally literate citizens is the primary goal of environmental science.  One of the four components of environmental literacy is "connecting to nature".  Culture plays a key role in the way individuals connect to their environment.  Understanding culture also supports the development of a culturally responsive classroom and helps students develop an understanding of environmental justice, another key concept of environmental science.  This lesson helps students explore their own culture and compare and contrast it with other cultures.

Life Science
Social Studies
Sociology and Anthropology
Material Type:
Learning Task
Lesson Plan
Annette Schwalenberg (Environmental Science Teacher)
Date Added:
K-12 Forestry Lesson Guides - LEAF - Wisconsin’s K-12 Forestry Education Program
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he LEAF Wisconsin K-12 Forestry Lesson Guide includes complete interdisciplinary units for teaching students about forests and forestry in Wisconsin.
Subject areas addressed in the lessons include Arts, English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. The Wisconsin Model Academic Standards and H. Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory were referenced during the development of the guide. The LEAF Lesson Guide is based on principles outlined in the LEAF Conceptual Guide To K-12 Forestry Education in Wisconsin.

Unit-Based Lessons The unit-based lessons are divided by grade levels: K-1, 2-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, and 9-12. Lessons build upon one another to provide connectivity in the students' educational experience. When taught as a unit, these lessons provide students a well-rounded understanding of forestry in Wisconsin. You may find that they are also effective when taught individually and integrated with other classroom material. Each lesson includes an introduction, step-by-step procedure for activities, and a conclusion. Formative assessment is woven throughout each lesson. Questions with answers are provided to help teachers follow the level of understanding of students. Summative assessment ideas are listed at the end of each lesson. Suggested activities have students apply what they have learned in a new way.

Elementary Education
Environmental Literacy and Sustainability
Environmental Science
Life Science
Social Studies
Material Type:
University of Wisconsin Stevens Pont
Date Added:
Kindergarten Pushes and Pulls
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This series of 5 high-quality, standards-aligned, inquiry-based activities and two environmental STEM challenge activities have been field-tested by kindergarten students and families of Wequiock Children's Center for Environmental Science during Safer At Home orders. These activities encourage students to use natural areas around their homes and in their neigbhorhoods as they improve their science observation and reasoning skils as they explore the science of pushes and pulls in nature. The materials used are ones generally available at home and the activites require little preparation on the part of caregivers. Created as a part of a WISELearn OER Innovation project, Connect, Explore, and Engage: Using the Environment as the Context for Science Learning was a collaboration of the Wequiock Children's Center for Environmental Science and the Wisconsin Green Schools Network. One of the goals of the project was to create standards-aligned lessons that utilize the outdoor spaces of the school (as well as those of the students' homes).  Each section of this resource is an individual activity. While each activity builds on the previous ones, it is possible to use them individually.The title image was used with permission and is courtesy of Joe Riederer.

Environmental Literacy and Sustainability
Life Science
Physical Education
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Sandy Benton
Michelle Vanlieshout
Date Added:
Maple Syrup Production: Tapping, Collection, Sales, and Marketing
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Maple Grove Charter School, Athens School District, is a Grades K-5 elementary school located the heart of the rural Town of Hamburg. The school takes its name from the school forest on its site. Built in 1904, the school has annual tradition of tapping the maple trees. What started as a first grade classroom project has expanded as students from each grade level identify, tap, and collect sap from two trees. Unit plans have been created for each grade level to address agriculture, science, literacy, social studies, math, and environmental literacy standards. While the sap collecing routines remain relevatively constant each year, the learning opportunties have been differentiated by grade level so that students are always learning new content and skills.In the following unit plan discussion readers will learn about the schoolwide project from the perspective of teachers in Grades 1 and 5.Students in Grade 1 learn about maple tree identification and the traditional and modern tools and technologies employed in sap collection and syrup production. Their fifth grade counterparts continue to grow in their understanding of the tapping, collection, and production processes, and take on the role of entrepreneurs as they develop their brand and market the finished pure maple syrup.

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
English Language Arts
Environmental Literacy and Sustainability
Social Studies
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Sandy Benton
Treva Etten
Emily Szutkowski
Date Added:
Natural Phenomena Investigators (NPI): A Multidisciplinary Investigation of the Cottonville Fire
0.0 stars

NUTSHELL:  In this lesson, students work in teams and use primary data sources, such as weather data and an emergency radio traffic log, to investigate the Cottonville Fire.  Using primary documents such as newspaper articles, students study how the fire was suppressed and evaluate successes and limitations to fighting the fire.  To conclude, teams are given post-fire landowner dilemmas to discuss.  
In Wisconsin, there are two main types of wildland fire – wildfire and prescribed fire. Wildfires start without the intent of the landowner or land manager and are uncontrolled and unwanted. Prescribed fires are contained and are planned to meet the goals of a landowner or land manager.The ignition of wildland fire can be caused by human activity (e.g., debris burning and other outdoor burning, machine sparks, children playing with matches, power lines, fireworks) or natural sources (e.g., lightning, spontaneous combustion). Human activity is responsible for most wildland fires in Wisconsin.Fire requires oxygen, heat, and fuel to exist. Collectively these elements are known as the fire triangle. Under most conditions, the three elements can be manipulated to slow or stop the spread of fire.Fire behavior is influenced by topography, weather, and fuel characteristics. The fire season is determined by seasonal changes in weather and fuel.Wildland fire management has direct and indirect costs and benefits for the economy. Effective wildland fire management requires both financial and human resources.The wildland/urban interface is an area where human structures exist among wildland fuels. As people move into fire prone areas, the potential for ignition of wildland fire increases, and buildings and other human-made objects become a possible fuel source.
OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to:
Explore the ecologic, economic, and social affects of wildfire.Examine multiple data sources to make predictions and draw conclusions about a natural phenomenon.Discuss how wildfire behaves and the factors that influence this behavior.Analyze wildfire suppression efforts and evaluate challenges in each.
SUBJECT AREAS Geography, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies
Total Lesson Time: 235 minutesTime Breakdown: Introduction--5 minutes; Activity 1--60 minutes; Activity 2--90 minutes; Activity 3 --40 minutes; Conclusion--40 minutes

Environmental Science
Life Science
Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
LEAF, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - Division of Forestry, and Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education
Date Added:
Nature Journaling in Grades K-2
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Content Area(s):Environmental LiteracyWisconsin Standards for Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Addressed: ELS.C1: Students develop and connect with their sense of place and well-being through observation, exploration, and questioning.Context: Individual children participated in observing nature outside the public library (or online or natural exhibits inside the library). Observation Experiences:1) Daffodils2) Painted Lady Caterpillars and Butterflies3) Tree frogs4) Mosquitoes5) One Square Foot Observations

Early Learning
Environmental Literacy and Sustainability
Library and Information Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Sandy Benton
Jeanette Rydberg
Date Added:
Nibi (Water)
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0.0 stars

Author: Tammy Moncel, Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe School Middle School, Integrated ScienceProtection of freshwater on Earth is a global responsibility but the Native American efforts to protect the Great Lakes Freshwater is of particular interest to the people throughout Wisconsin. The movie “Bad River” is a relevant perspective of some key arguments from the view of the water protectors in Native American communities. This documentary highlights Native speakers and the defiance of the Bad River tribe required to stand up to oil companies. This movie was used at the end of our school year (coinciding with the release date of the documentary) to promote understanding of the Native American perspective of issues that have been a great source of media attention throughout the state of Wisconsin. A major part of understanding the importance of freshwater protection includes an understanding of the water cycle. The very simplified version of the water cycle includes precipitation, evaporation and condensation. The handouts of these words with pictures and Ojibwemowin translations gives students a starting point to talk about water as a closed system with continuous recycling in nature. My students were able to connect the English vocabulary meaning to the descriptive Ojibwemowin translation.

Environmental Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Sandy Benton
Tammy Moncel
Rick Erickson
Date Added:
Opening the World through Journaling: Integrating Art, Science, and Language Arts
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

"Opening the World through Journaling: Integrating Art, Science, and Language Arts" teaches children to become keen observers of the natural world by drawing and writing about the plants and animals in situ. In a set of nested exercises, students use games to gain confidence in drawing and writing as a way to gather information. Later, they employ these skills to put together a field guide, make treasure maps, and to write short stories and poems.

Fine Arts
Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
California Native Plant Society
Emily Bruenig
John Muir Laws
Date Added:
PBS Early Learning Resources - Grades K-3
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Resources with an emphasis on play, child development, belonging and inclusion, and social and emotional learning, grades K-3. 

English Language Arts
Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
PBS Wisconsin Education
Date Added:
Quarter 3 Outdoor School-wide (K-5) Inquiry Mini-Unit
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The following six OERS for grades K-5 are designed for teachers to use the outdoor spaces around their schools for learning with the goals of connecting students with their sense of place and well-being. Together, the six experiences comprise a school-wide mini-unit in which each grade level explore an Investigative Question.  Collectively, each Investigative Question leads the entire student body in considering the Essential Question of the mini-unit.  A school leadership team identified the Wisconsin Standards for Environmental Literacy and Sustainability (ELS) to be addressed at every grade level and developed an Essential Question to be explored.Wisconsin Green Schools Network FIELD coaches provided teachers with an introduction to outdoor, place-based inquiry learning, unpacked ELS, and met with grade level teams to co-create inquiry questions (called Investigative Questions in the lessons that follow) for their students to investigate outside each quarter. These OERs were co-taught with teachers and FIELD coaches and were refined during co-reflection.

Earth and Space Science
English Language Arts
Environmental Literacy and Sustainability
Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Sandy Benton
Date Added:
Quarter 4 Outdoor School-wide (K-5) Inquiry Mini-Unit
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The following six OERS for grades K-5 are designed for teachers to use the outdoor spaces around their schools for learning with the goals of connecting students with their sense of place and well-being. Together, the six experiences comprise a school-wide mini-unit in which each grade level explore an Investigative Question.  Collectively, each Investigative Question leads the entire student body in considering the Essential Question of the mini-unit.  A school leadership team identified the Wisconsin Standards for Environmental Literacy and Sustainability (ELS) to be addressed at every grade level and developed an Essential Question to be explored.Wisconsin Green Schools Network FIELD coaches provided teachers with an introduction to outdoor, place-based inquiry learning, unpacked ELS, and met with grade level teams to co-create inquiry questions (called Investigative Questions in the lessons that follow) for their students to investigate outside each quarter. These OERs were co-taught with teachers and FIELD coaches and were refined during co-reflection.

Earth and Space Science
English Language Arts
Environmental Literacy and Sustainability
Life Science
Material Type:
Sandy Benton
Date Added:
Quarterly Schoolyard Investigations K-5
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The following six OERS for grades K-5 are designed for teachers to use the outdoor spaces around their schools for learning with the goals of connecting students with their sense of place and well-being. Together, the six experiences comprise a school-wide mini-unit in which each grade level explore an Investigative Question.  Collectively, each Investigative Question leads the entire student body in considering the Essential Question of the mini-unit.  A school leadership team identified the Wisconsin Standards for Environmental Literacy and Sustainability (ELS) to be addressed at every grade level and developed an Essential Question to be explored.FIELD Edventures educators provided teachers with an introduction to outdoor, place-based inquiry learning, unpacked ELS, and met with grade level teams to co-create inquiry questions (called Investigative Questions in the lessons that follow) for their students to investigate outside each quarter. These OERs were co-taught with teachers and FIELD educators and were refined during co-reflection.

Earth and Space Science
Environmental Literacy and Sustainability
Life Science
Social Studies
Material Type:
Sandy Benton
Julie Jarvis
Date Added: