All resources in Wisconsin Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement Process Criteria and Rubric

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This document reflects years of collective expertise and research about what works to lead for equity: to build educational systems and align educator practices in service to each and every student, college and career ready. It explains the why, and what to do to engage in continuous improvement to improve outcomes for all students or for specific student groups. In addition, this is a synthesis common understanding of continuous improvement as an ongoing, data-driven process in which learning organizations deliberately and strategically collaborate to understand and replicate successes, and plan for and address areas of concern. When implemented effectively, the continuous improvement process culminates in long-term, embedded, positive change and progress in the school or district, thereby improving student outcomes (Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction 2016, 6).

Material Type: Other

Author: Wendy Savaske

Data Inquiry Journal at a Glance

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The Data Inquiry Journal (DIJ) allows educators to document ongoing data investigation and  design continuous improvement plans all in one convenient location within WISEdash for Districts. The Data Inquiry Journal is aligned to the Continuous Improvement Process Criteria and Rubric. This document provides an overview of the three parts of the Data Inquiry Journal.

Material Type: Other

Author: Wendy Savaske

Conditions for Improvement: Coaching Tool

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 Purpose:This tool helps leaders guide teams in evaluating the conditions for continuous improvement in their school.Description:As a tool to determine readiness for improvement, this resource is designed to guide leaders in assessing four organizational conditions needed to support continuous improvement. The tool guides leaders through four conditions with  indicators that stimulate questions, evidence reflection and coaching tools that might be used to prompt each condition.

Material Type: Self Assessment

Author: Lauren Zellmer

Practices Inquiry Learning Module

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The Practices Inquiry Learning Module 2 is based on foundations of inquiry described in Student Data Inquiry Module 1 . This module provides interactive training and guidance focused on furthering needs assessment by conducting inquiry into educator practices as likely root causes for student outcomes. 

Material Type: Module

Author: Lauren Zellmer

Student Data Privacy: Guidance, Checklist and Action Plan

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Purpose: The purpose of this resource is to understand the importance and legal requirements of protecting student data privacy and assess the status of current practices. Description: This resource is designed to be utilized collaboratively by district leadership teams and reinforced by school leadership teams. First, you will find guidance regarding policies, principles and protocols critical to protect student data. The checklist that follows is organized into eight items to assess and provide evidence regarding current status. Using the checklist, teams identify areas of need and plan actions to be taken to insure student privacy.

Material Type: Other

Author: Wendy Savaske

Examining Team Structures and Functions Template

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This resource provides recommended purposes and functions of district, school, and teacher teams engaged in meaningful continuous improvement. It also provides a blank template to document a district’s current state of linked team infrastructure. Comparing their current state to the recommended system provides an avenue to target improvement in collaboration and leadership practices.

Material Type: Other

Author: Wendy Savaske

Self-Assessment of Data Informed Leadership

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Data inquiry is most effective with sound foundational cultures and systems to access and use data. Through self-assessment, leadership teams become aware of their organizational data structures and processes as well as their role in leading staff through data use. The purpose of this self-assessment is for teams to gauge the level of data-informed leadership within their school or district culture. Designed for school, district or teacher leadership teams, this collaborative self-assessment helps team members examine and be informed about data leadership facets currently in their school or district. Results from this team process are used to guide actions to improve data cultures, systems, and use.

Material Type: Other

Author: Wendy Savaske

Effective Instruction Self-Assessment

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 How to Use this Self-Assessment This self-assessment is designed to:Reflect upon and rate the 5 elements of practice and beliefs (individually or in teams)Guide and refine instructional practices that foster student engagement and promote equitable outcomes. 

Material Type: Self Assessment

Author: Lauren Zellmer

Evaluation (Hexagon) Tool Activity

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  Purpose:This tool guides teams in evaluating and evidenced-based improvement strategies (EBIS)prior to implementation.Description:As a tool to evaluate readiness for implementation, this resource is designed to systematically lead teams in a thorough examination of the EBIS before it’s implemented in a sc During this study, the team answers questions about their current evidence for the “Program Indicators” of Evidence, Supports, and Usability as well as the “ Implementing Site Indicators” of Need, Fit and Capacity.

Material Type: Other

Author: Lauren Zellmer

Family Engagement Self-Assessment

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 Purpose:This resource guides leadership teams into self-assessing  their support and practices for fostering family engagement.Description:Based on evidence, teams rate practices in seven core principles of family engagement:  Welcoming Environment, Effective Two-way Communication, Supporting the Success of Students, Sharing Power and Responsibility, Partnering with the Community, Providing Equity and Access and Ensuring Sustainability.  A summary provides opportunities to analyze findings and plan for next steps.

Material Type: Self Assessment

Author: Lauren Zellmer

SLDS Data Use Standards

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Standards for Effective Data Use It’s clear that educators today need to develop data savvy. The Statewide Longitudinal Data System partners, comprised of educational leaders across 13 states, provide a set of Data Use Standards describing the knowledge, skills and behaviors needed for effective data use to inform instructional and programmatic decisions. It is recommended that school and district leadership teams reflect about their professional growth in data use knowledge, skills and professional behaviors. These standards provide a good beginning for such reflection as they detail “the essential knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors required by teachers and administrators to effectively use data to inform instructional and programmatic decisions.” The standards are divided into three subgroups, which are listed in the table below: Knowledge, Skills and Professional Behavior Standards for Data Use Knowledge Skills Professional Behaviors Fundamental Knowledge Processing Knowledge Conceptual Knowledge Planning Selecting Collecting Analyzing Interpreting Communicating Acting Ethical Use Rules and Regulations Collaboration Continuous Improvement

Material Type: Other

Author: Wendy Savaske

Title IVA Needs Assessment Resources

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A comprehensive needs assessment aligned with the allowable activities is required if the district or consortia allocation is over $30,000. The comprehensive needs assessment must include, at a minimum, a focus on the three content areas identified above. Additional recommendations about conducting a needs assessment are located in the "Implementing Effective SSAE Program Activities" section which starts on page 15 of the Non-Regulatory Guidance document. Additional resources are available below.

Material Type: Other

Author: Wendy Savaske

December 2016 Synthesis of Information on Evidence-based practices for school improvement: 20 studies and tools focused on evidence-based practices in school improvement

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This resource review focused on identifying tools and resources that may be useful as SEAs and LEAs follow steps of an evidence-based decision-making cycle (see figure) to identify and implement interventions to improve outcomes for students. The resources and tools included here are not exhaustive, but can serve as a starting point for further review and identification of evidence-based interventions.

Material Type: Other

Author: Wendy Savaske

November 2016 Evidence-based Practices in school improvement five profiles of promising practices

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The purpose of these profiles is to demonstrate what evidence-based decision making looks like in practice. By highlighting this process, these profiles will help to guide others with important points to consider as they use evidence to select and implement interventions to improve student outcomes. This project identified four sites to profile (states and districts) that promote promising practices in the selection and implementation of evidence-based interventions to improve student and teacher outcomes. Among the promising practices highlighted are examples of how in 2009-2012 these sites used evidence to select interventions that have the potential to align to the new standards for levels of evidence as described in ESSA. The profiles document the promising practices, successes, challenges, and lessons learned related to the implementation of evidence-based practices in these sites.

Material Type: Other

Author: Wendy Savaske