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  • WI.SS.Hist4.c.h - Analyze the intended purpose of a specific primary or secondary source...
  • WI.SS.Hist4.c.h - Analyze the intended purpose of a specific primary or secondary source...
Lesson Plan: Immigration in the 1990s: Proposition 187
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

This 9-minute video illustrates how demographic trends and a changing California economy in the 1990s created a backlash against immigration, only to be followed by another swing in the ideological pendulum. This lesson examines how economic and demographic forces affect the strategies of the political parties, and demonstrates how policies like Proposition 187 can produce unintended and surprising consequences.

Civics and Government
Social Studies
U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
Lesson Plan: The Civil Rights Movement: Black Power and Sports
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

This 11-minute video tells the story of Tommie Smith and John Carlos, their raised-fist Black Power salute on the medal podium during the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City, and the consequences they went on to face. This video shows the development of the civil rights protests of the 1960s, and how the cultural context of that decade led to a wave of protests by athletes. It illustrates how the cultural context of the 1980s caused a decline in political consciousness among athletes. Finally it addresses how recent shootings and misconduct by police officers have fueled a resurgence of athlete activism. The video includes footage and discussion of Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan and O.J. Simpson. It will help students understand the complexities and challenges that black athletes face on the public stage. Students will learn how the modern take-a-knee protest movement, started by Colin Kaepernick, is directly linked to the Olympics protest in 1968.

Content Advisory:
This video contains graphic depictions of police shootings.

Civics and Government
Social Studies
U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
Lesson Plan: The Second Amendment: Siege at Waco
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

This 14-minute video shows students how the federal government’s botched raid on the compound of the Branch Davidian religious sect in 1993 gave rise to a nationwide militia movement of people advocating an expansive and individualistic interpretation of the Second Amendment. Students will learn how this movement included terrorists like Timothy McVeigh as well as lawful activists, many of whom continue to influence the national conversation on gun rights. Including interviews with militia activists as well as their opponents, the video provides students with context and insight on a defining cultural and political moment in the tug-of-war between individual rights and government powers. Useful for any lesson introducing Second Amendment controversies, the video illustrates why the right of individuals to own firearms remains one of the most contentious issues in American government.

Content Advisory:
This video includes footage of gun violence during a law enforcement raid that left 80 people dead.

Civics and Government
Social Studies
U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
Lesson Plan: Why Supreme Court Confirmations Have Become So Bitter: Mini-Lesson
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

This 10-minute video delves into how the nature of Supreme Court nominations have changed since the defeat of Robert Bork. As President Biden makes his first Supreme Court nomination, he is hoping for bipartisan support for nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. Recent history of Supreme Court nominations have yielded bitter battles and guarded answers from nominees on their views of important legal issues.

Civics and Government
Social Studies
U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
Lesson Plan for Mississippi's Forgotten Soldiers: Women in the Ranks during the Civil War Lesson Plan
0.0 stars

Students will be able to determine the roles of women on the home front and battlefront during and after the Civil War., Examine historical events that are significant to Mississippi culture, but also relate to women from other states,
evaluate the contributions of women, African Americans, and other minority groups to the war effort. Students will be able to examine primary sources to gain an understanding of women's experiences and contributions to the Civil War.

Gender Studies
Social Studies
U.S. History
Material Type:
Data Set
Primary Source
Sydney Pinnen
Date Added:
Love In Abundance: A Guide To Women's Music
0.0 stars

Women's music is a genre for women, by women, and about women. Women's music formed and evolved from the second wave of the feminist movement, the Civil Rights Movement, and the peace movements of the 1960s and 1970s.The movement was started by lesbian performers such as Cris Williamson, Meg Christian, and Margie Adam, African-American musicians including Linda Tillery, Mary Watkins, and Gwen Avery, and activists such as Bernice Johnson Reagon and her group Sweet Honey in the Rock, and Peace activist Holly Near.
Women's music also refers to the wider industry of women's music that goes beyond the performing artists to include studio musicians, producers, sound engineers, technicians, cover artists, distributors, promoters, and festival organizers who are also women.
Students will be able to investigate various songs, interpret their lyrics, and examine the perspectives behind the creation of the song.

Gender Studies
Social Studies
U.S. History
Material Type:
Learning Task
Reference Material
Crys Matthews
Date Added:
Martin Luther King Jr Day
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Enhance your classroom experience on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day with these teacher-tested lessons from the nationally recognized We the People: The Citizen & the Constitution curriculum. These materials will help inform your students about the national struggle for civil rights and equal protection under the law.

Civics and Government
English Language Arts
Reading Informational Text
Social Studies
U.S. History
Material Type:
Center for Civics Education
Date Added:
Mildred Fish Harnack Collection from UW-Madison Libraries
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This resource offers a selection of primary sources related to Mildred Fish Harnack. These sources include: photos, admission papers, letters of recommendation, a poem written by Harnack, and an article related to outstanding UW Alumni. Mildred Fish Harnack's life before leaving for Germany comes to life through these sources.

Social Studies
U.S. History
World History
Material Type:
Reference Material
UW-Madison Libraries
Date Added:
No Bill of Rights, No Deal (HS)
0.0 stars

Website Description:
In the debate over the Constitution, the Bill of Rights was a deal breaker. In this lesson, students learn why the federalists thought the Constitution didn’t need a bill of rights and why the anti-federalists refused to accept the Constitution without one. Students will find out why individual rights was such a big issue, where the concept of a bill of rights came from, and how the Bill of Rights finally got added to the U.S. Constitution.

Student Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to:
*Identify arguments for and against the need for a bill of rights in the U.S. Constitution
*Explain why the Bill of Rights was added to the U.S. Constitution
*Describe how the Bill of Rights addresses limited government
*Relate the arguments over the need for a bill of rights to the wording of the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution
*Compare and contrast the fears on both sides of the argument over the need for a bill of rights

Civics and Government
Social Studies
U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
North Star: A Digital Journey of African American History
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The North Star has been an important symbol in the African American community. A beacon of hope and freedom for some, a symbol of knowledge and information for others and a celestial representation of purpose and reason. On this website, students will explore African American history through digital activities on the Smithsonian Learning Lab platform. The activities, or collections, have gathered objects, stories, videos and thinking questions all in one place. It allows students to work through a "Learning Lab" and analyze primary objects in the museum to learn how to practice Historical Thinking, Reading Silences, Change & Continuity & Historical Context.

Ethnic Studies
Social Studies
U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
National Museum of African American History and Culture
Date Added:
OER Project Teaching Guide
0.0 stars

This teaching guide from the OER Project outlines their courses, PD, and other resources.

The OER Project is a coalition of educators and historians committed to boosting student engagement and achievement through transformational social studies programs. By empowering classroom teachers with better curricula, content, and a vibrant community, we deliver more compelling, impactful, and usable histories. “OER” stands for open educational resources. When you grab a free worksheet off Pinterest for your tenth graders, that’s an OER resource. We recognize the value of OER resources, but want to go beyond the typical content repository approach—we aim to improve OER by providing coherency, support, and community.

Currently, the OER Project offers two courses—Big History Project (BHP) and World History Project (WHP)—both of which are completely free, online, and adaptable to different standards and classroom needs. Unlike textbooks, lesson websites, and other commercial products, everything has been purposely built to truly empower teachers and leave traditional history courses in—sorry for the pun—the past. We also offer short, standalone courses for those who want to try the OER Project approach, but aren’t yet ready to take on a full history course. Our current standalone options include Project X, a course that uses data to explore historical trends to help make predictions about the future; Project Score, a course that uses writing tools and the use of Score, a free, online essay-scoring service to help support student writing; and Climate Project, an evidence-based overview of the global carbon problem that culminates in students developing a plan of action they can implement locally

American Indian Studies
Ancient History
Civics and Government
Ethnic Studies
Religious Studies
Social Studies
Sociology and Anthropology
U.S. History
World Cultures
World History
Material Type:
Assessment Item
Curriculum Map
Formative Assessment
Full Course
Lecture Notes
Lesson Plan
Primary Source
Reference Material
Rubric/Scoring Guide
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
OER Project
Date Added:
PBS News Hour Martin Luther King Jr. Day Classroom Resources
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Use the following NewsHour Classroom resources to examine King’s impact on civil rights and his ongoing legacy. Lessons include a deep dive anayisis of the “I have a dream” speech and the impact of Dr, King’s work on current evens

Civics and Government
English Language Arts
Reading Informational Text
Social Studies
U.S. History
Material Type:
PBS NewsHour
Victoria Pasquantonio
Date Added:
Proclamation 5722 -- Leif Erikson Day, 1987
0.0 stars

This primary source is the official statement issued by President Ronald Reagan marking the celebration of Leif Erikson in 1987. The day was created by a joint action of Congress in 1964 which allowed the president to declare October 9th of each year. "Leif Erikson Day".

Social Studies
U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Ronald Reagan
Date Added:
Progressive Era Political Cartoons
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Cartoons in Sunday comic strips make us laugh. Political cartoons in the front section of the newspaper challenge us to think.

Because political cartoons present a particular point of view or story through symbolism and caricature, they are a particularly effective method for teaching history.

By interpreting political cartoons, students are encouraged to discover different points of view on the same historical event.

The three political cartoons in this section focus on Robert M. La Follette; they offer an additional opportunity to explore the progressive era in Wisconsin. Suggested activities, brief histories of each cartoon, a one-page biography of La Follette, and an introduction to cartoon analysis are also included.

English Language Arts
Reading Informational Text
Social Studies
U.S. History
Material Type:
Wisconsin Historical Society
Date Added:
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

By reading primary sources outlining the rights of prisoners of war, along with the primary accounts of American prisoners of war held by the Japanese, students should critically assess the nature of violations committed by the Japanese forces during World War II. Through this assessment, the students should be able to determine the specific ways Japanese forces violated the rights of American POWs. Students should also consider how the Geneva Conventions, and Japan’s lack of ratification, apply to the debates that surrounded Japanese war crimes at the postwar Tokyo Trials.

English Language Arts
Reading Informational Text
Social Studies
U.S. History
World History
Material Type:
World War II Mueseum
Date Added:
Sally Hemings
0.0 stars

As an enslaved person, Sally Hemings struggled to improve her family’s prospects as she labored under the institution of slavery. By dividing her life into four major stages, students will encounter the difficult choices forced upon enslaved women by an evil institution.
Students will be able to evaluate the choices available to enslaved women like Sally Hemings.
Students will use the four essential themes to analyze and discuss Sally Hemings’s impact on her family and plantation community at Monticello.
Either individually or as a group, students will present and support their theme and its relevance to Sally Hemings’s life in a cohesive and factual statement using information and knowledge gained from class materials and discussion.

Gender Studies
Social Studies
U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
National Women's History Muesum
Date Added:
State vs. Gurnoe
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This text set includes a variety of multimodal resources designed to help learners understand treaty rights as they apply to the state of Wisconsin, giving special emphasis to the court cases of LCO v. Voight and State v. Gurnoe.  Indian tribes were independent, sovereign nations, before the arrival of Europeans in North America. Despite ceding their lands in the northern part of Wisconsin to the U.S. government, Chippewa tribes reserved the right to hunt, fish, and gather within the Ceded Territory. In the 1980’s, these court cases affirmed those rights. The year 2024 celebrates 50 years of the court decision. 

American Indian Studies
Civics and Government
Environmental Literacy and Sustainability
Global Education
Sociology and Anthropology
U.S. History
World Cultures
Material Type:
Case Study
Learning Task
Lesson Plan
Primary Source
Student Guide
Unit of Study
Rick Erickson
Sandy Benton
Liz Bodin
Date Added:
Susan B. Anthony and the Struggle for Suffrage
0.0 stars

This brief lesson and collection of primary sources look at the arrest of Susan B. Anthony following her casting her ballot in the 1872 Presidential election in her hometown of Rochester, New York. Documents include U.S vs. Susan B. Anthony, Indictment for Illegal Voting; U.S. vs. Susan B. Anthony, Exhibit B, a transcript of the hearing including examination of witnesses by the defense and prosecution attorneys, and Susan B. Anthony s testimony in her own defense; and U.S. vs. Susan B. Anthony, Record of Conviction. It also offers extension activities and links to additional primary sources.

Civics and Government
Gender Studies
Social Studies
U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Primary Source
The National Archives
Date Added:
Teach Uyghur Project: One-Week Lesson Plan
0.0 stars

"This document is a one-week lesson plan consisting of five one-hour lessons on the
history of Uyghurs and East Turkistan, and on the modern-day repression campaign being
perpetrated against Uyghurs in China by the government of China and the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP). Through teaching about Uyghurs, these lessons teach skills such as reading
comprehension, source analysis, argument analysis and synthesis, research, summary and
verbal presentation, and argumentative writing. These lessons are designed for 11th and 12th
grade social science and history students but could be taught in other grade levels. The
activities in the lessons are ideally suited to classroom learning. However, acknowledging that
many schools have transitioned to distance learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic, each lesson
contains a note on how to adapt the lesson for distance learning. "

Social Studies
World History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Primary Source
Uyghur American Association
Date Added: