This lesson helps student develop a concrete understanding of the connection between …
This lesson helps student develop a concrete understanding of the connection between a graph and the situation it models. Students start by graphing a simple case with a chance to check their work, then move on to more complicated cases. Students must also answer extenstion questions. Finally, students create their own situation and can try those created by their peers. The teacher can view student products throughout and after the activity.
The Wisconsin High School Esports Association governs, supports and promotes the growth …
The Wisconsin High School Esports Association governs, supports and promotes the growth of high school esports through community development, advocacy, equitable participation, and interscholastic competition to enrich the educational experience.For more information, visit:
This resource was created as part of the CESA #1 EL OER …
This resource was created as part of the CESA #1 EL OER Project to help EL students access social studies curriculum and/or texts related to Wisconsin history (fur trade and early settlement). The first page can be used as a vocabulary reference during the unit. Students can use this page to help understand text about this unit or to write related sentences. The matching activity can be used to introduce/pre-teach vocabulary, or it could also be used as an assessment tool (for level 1 & 2 ELs) to see if students understand vocabulary related to Wisconsin and this time period.
This assessment involves students using technology to create videos that represent their …
This assessment involves students using technology to create videos that represent their own interests, sharing these videos on an online platform, and react to other students’ videos. It may be adapted to use in any level and to any world language.
This assessment focuses on all three modes of communication and empowers students to become members of the target language's social media community.
This lesson was developed as a part of the Creating Lessons Using Transformative Technology - Platteville Public Schools OER grant and was inspired by George Couros’s “Identity Day”, as described in his book “The Innovator’s Mindset: Empower Learning, Unleash Talent, and Lead a Culture of Creativity”.
Colorín Colorado is the premier national website serving educators and families of …
Colorín Colorado is the premier national website serving educators and families of English language learners (ELLs) in Grades PreK-12. Colorín Colorado has been providing free research-based information, activities, and advice to parents, schools, and communities around the country for more than a decade.
Learn more about our mission to serve ELLs as well as the team that makes Colorín Colorado possible below.
Colorín Colorado is an educational service of WETA, the flagship public broadcasting station in the nation's capital, and receives major funding from the American Federation of Teachers and National Education Association.
The name "Colorín Colorado" comes from a playful phrase that is often said at the end of stories in Spanish-speaking countries: "¡Y Colorín Colorado, este cuento se ha acabado!" or "¡Y Colorín Colorado, este cuento se ha terminado!" (Colorín Colorado, the story has ended!) There's no equivalent in English, but the phrase is similar to "The End" or "...and they lived happily ever after," or "That's all, folks!"
The saying brings back happy childhood memories of storytelling and reading for generations of people from many different countries. Making people smile about reading seemed like a perfect way to introduce our project.
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