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  • Delft University of Technology
Bed, Bank and Shoreline Protection
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0.0 stars

Design of shoreline protection along rivers, canals and the sea; load on bed and shoreline by currents, wind waves and ship motion; stability of elements under current and wave conditions; stability of shore protection elements; design methods, construction methods. Flow: recapitulation of basics from fluid mechanics (flow, turbulence), stability of individual grains (sand, but also rock) in different type of flow conditions (weirs, jets), scour and erosion. Porous Media: basic equation, pressures and velocities on the stability on the boundary layer; groundwater flow with impermeable and semi-impermeable structures; granular filters and geotextiles. Waves: recapitulation of the basics of waves, focus on wave forces on the land-water boundary, specific aspects of ship induced waves, stability of elements under wave action (loose rock, placed blocks, impermeable layers) Design: overview of the various types of protections, construction and maintenance; design requirements, deterministic and probabilistic design; case studies, examples Materials and environment: overview of materials to be used, interaction with the aquatic environment, role of the land-water boundary as part of the ecosystem; environmentally sound shoreline design.

Career and Technical Education
Technology and Engineering
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Ir. H.J. Verhagen
Date Added:
Breakwaters and Closure Dams
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0.0 stars

Design and construction of breakwaters and closure dams in estuaries and rivers. Functional requirements, determination of boundary conditions, spatial and constructional design and construction aspects of breakwaters and dams consisting of rock, sand and caissons.

Career and Technical Education
Environmental Science
Life Science
Technology and Engineering
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Ir. H.J. Verhagen
Date Added:
Circular Economy
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0.0 stars

Our global society is not sustainable. We all know about the challenges we’re facing: waste, climate change, resource scarcity, loss of biodiversity. At the same time, we want to sustain our economies and offer opportunities for a growing world population. This course is about providing solutions we really believe in: a Circular Economy.

In this course we explore the Circular Economy: how businesses can create value by reusing and recycling products, how designers can come up with amazingly clever solutions, and how you can contribute to make the Circular Economy happen.

Career and Technical Education
Technology and Engineering
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Dr. D.P. Peck
Ken Webster
Prof.dr.ir. C.A. Bakker
Date Added:
Citizens Co-creating Sustainable Cities
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0.0 stars

Around the world, major challenges of our time such as population growth and climate change are being addressed in cities. Here, citizens play an important role amidst governments, companies, NGOs and researchers in creating social, technological and political innovations for achieving sustainability.

Citizens can be co-creators of sustainable cities when they engage in city politics or in the design of the urban environment and its technologies and infrastructure. In addition, citizens influence and are influenced by the technologies and systems that they use every day. Sustainability is thus a result of the interplay between technology, policy and people’s daily lives. Understanding this interplay is essential for creating sustainable cities. In this MOOC, we zoom in on Amsterdam, Beijing, Ho Chi Minh City, Nairobi, Kampala and Suzhou as living labs for exploring the dynamics of co-creation for sustainable cities worldwide. We will address topics such as participative democracy and legitimacy, ICTs and big data, infrastructure and technology, and SMART technologies in daily life.

Career and Technical Education
Technology and Engineering
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Huub Rijnaarts
Date Added:
Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Introduction to Structured Expert Judgment
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0.0 stars

In an increasingly data-driven world, data and its use aren’t always all it’s cracked up to be. This course aims to address the critical lack of any or appropriate data in many areas where complex decisions need to be made.

For instance, how can you predict volcano activity when no eruptions have been recorded over a long period of time? Or how can you predict how many people will be resistant to antibiotics in a country where there is no available data at national level? Or how about estimating the time needed to evacuate people in flood risk areas?

In situations like these, expert opinions are needed to address complex decision-making problems. This course, aimed at researchers and professionals from any academic background, will show you how expert opinion can be used for uncertainty quantification in a rigorous manner.

Various techniques are used in practice. They vary from the informal and undocumented opinion of one expert to a fully documented and formal elicitation of a panel of experts, whose uncertainty assessments can be aggregated to provide support for complex decision making.

In this course you will be introduced to state-of-the-art expert judgment methods, particularly the Classical Model (CM) or Cooke’s method, which is arguably the most rigorous method for performing Structured Expert Judgment.

CM, developed at TU Delft by Roger Cooke, has been successfully applied for over 30 years in areas as diverse as climate change, disaster management, epidemiology, public and global health, ecology, aeronautics/aerospace, nuclear safety, environment and ecology, engineering and many others.

Career and Technical Education
Statistics and Probability
Technology and Engineering
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Dr. A.M. Hanea
Dr. ir. G.F. Nane
Prof. dr. R.M. Cooke
Date Added:
Drinking Water Treatment 1 - Technology
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0.0 stars

The course provides the technological background of treatment processes applied for production of drinking water. Treatment processes are demonstrated with laboratory experiments.

Environmental Literacy and Sustainability
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Lecture Notes
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
J.C. van Dijk
Date Added:
Hydrology of Catchments, Rivers, Deltas
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0.0 stars

The course deals with the principles of hydrology of catchment areas, rivers and deltas. The students will learn:

1). to understand the relations between hydrological processes in catchment areas
2?. to understand and to calculate the propagation of flood waves
3). to understand hydrological processes in deltas
4). to draft frequency analysis of extremes under different climatological conditions.

Earth and Space Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
H.H.G. Savenije
Date Added:
Hydromechanica 1
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0.0 stars

In dit college wordt een introductie gegeven van een groot aantal facetten van de scheepshydromechanica en hun onderlinge samenhang zoals die later in de studie meer als geisoleerde onderwerpen aan bod komen. Behandeld worden: de hydrostatica, de geometrie beschrijving van het schip, inleiding lijnenplan, het begrip stabiliteit, de stabiliteit van drijvende lichamen, eenvoudige stabiliteit berekening bij kleine helling hoeken, de weerstand van lichamen onder water en aan het oppervlak, eenvoudige weerstand benaderings methoden voor schepen, de model wetten in de hydromechanica, de extrapolatie methode van Froude, de lift van een vleugel, de vleugel karakteristieken, de toepassing hiervan bij voortstuwing en bij scheepsschroeven, de schroef karakteristieken en een eenvoudige schroef berekening, en tenslotte de fysica van het zeilen en zeilvoortstuwing. Leerdoelen De student kan: 1. de basis van systeem analyse beschrijven (buitenwereld, interfaces, beperkingen, objecten, relaties enz.) 2. maritieme systemen zoals schip/motor/schroef beschrijven en modelleren met behulp van beperkte systeem analyse methodologie; eenvoudige maritieme systemen modelleren door onderverdeling in subsystemen en componenten 3. evenwicht condities van maritieme systemen bepalen en kwalitatief analyseren 4. de definities en belangrijkste karakteristieken van weerstand, voortstuwing en manoeuvreren (snelheid, weerstand, vermogen, RPM, draaicapaciteit) begrijpen en toepassen 5. de relaties tussen algemeen vloeistof dynamica en scheepshydromechanica (bijv. lift/aerodynamica/zeilen; visceuze stroming/Reynolds getal/volgstroomvelden/voortstuwingsrendement; laminair & visceuze stroming/weerstand; niet visceuze stroming/golf patronen/weerstand) beschrijven 6. de achtergrond van de belangrijkste schaal regels (Newton, Froude, Reynolds) d.m.v dimensie analyse uitleggen 7. schaalregels voor schaalmodel experimenten in een sleeptank toepassen en potentiĚÇle complicaties identificeren

Earth and Space Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Lecture Notes
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
P. de Jong
Date Added:
Inclusive Energy Systems: Exploring Sustainable Energy for All
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0.0 stars

For the first time in history, the number of world citizens without access to electricity services has dropped below one billion, but still more than 2.8 billion people lack access to clean and affordable cooking fuels. Access to clean, affordable and reliable energy services for all world citizens is a precondition for the achievement of many other Sustainable Development Goals, such as health and economic development.

The provision of sustainable energy services for all is not just a technological challenge or one confined to developing countries. Industrial and post-industrial societies also need to address issues of energy poverty and energy injustice.

Rather than tackling the technological dimension of the formidable challenge to provide an inclusive energy system with renewable and climate-neutral energy resources, this course will focus on its social and institutional dimension. Introduction to the principle of the 4 As of energy services – Accessibility, Availability, Affordability, and Acceptability (environmental and social) will enrich your perspective as an engineering professional. Balancing these four critical and interdependent criteria is a recurrent challenge for individuals and society as a whole, as the characterization of the four As evolves with economic development and changing societal preferences.

You will learn how the rules of the game as defined in laws, regulation and market designs impact the balance between the 4As. Using a wider socio-technical systems perspective you will discover new solutions for the inclusive provision of energy services beyond the purely technological solutions.

After this course you can engage in a richer, more informed debate about how to achieve an inclusive energy system. You will be able to translate this knowledge into strategies to serve society’s future energy needs. The cases presented from developed and developing countries will help you to develop and test your analytical skills. Interviews with industry leaders shaping the energy system will challenge you to reflect on the position these leaders take and the interests they serve.

Lastly, you will put yourself to the test by demonstrating your newly acquired knowledge and skills as a strategic policy advisor, in writing guidelines for a strategic action plan for the energy system and institutional context which are relevant for you, in your company, your city or your country.

Career and Technical Education
Technology and Engineering
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Prof.dr.ir. Margot Weijnen
Date Added:
Industrial Biotechnology
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

As fossil-based fuels and raw materials contribute to climate change, the use of renewable materials and energy as an alternative is increasingly important and common. This transition is not a luxury, but rather a necessity. We can use the unique properties of microorganisms to convert organic waste streams into biomaterials, chemicals and biofuels.

This course provides the insights and tools for the design of biotechnology processes in a sustainable way. Five experienced course leaders will teach you the basics of industrial biotechnology and how to apply these to the design of fermentation processes for the production of fuels, chemicals and foodstuffs.

Throughout this course, you will be challenged to design your own biotechnological process and evaluate its performance and sustainability. This undergraduate course includes guest lectures from industry as well as from the University of Campinas in Brazil, with over 40 years of experience in bio-ethanol production. The course is a joint initiative of TU Delft, the international BE-Basic consortium and University of Campinas.

Career and Technical Education
Technology and Engineering
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Prof. dr. Isabel Arends
Prof.dr. Patricia Osseweijer
Prof.dr.ir. Henk Noorman
Prof.dr.ir. Luuk van der Wielen
Prof.dr.ir. Sef Heijnen
Date Added:
Introduction to Water and Climate
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0.0 stars

Water is essential for life on earth and of crucial importance for society. Also within our climate water plays a major role. The natural cycle of ocean to atmosphere, by precipitation back to earth and by rivers and aquifers to the oceans has a decisive impact on regional and global climate patterns.

This course will cover six main topics:

Global water cycle. In this module you will learn to explain the different processes of the global water cycle.
Water systems. In this module you will learn to describe the flows of water and sand in different riverine, coastal and ocean systems.
Water and climate change. In this module you will learn to identify mechanisms of climate change and you will learn to explain the interplay of climate change, sea level, clouds, rainfall and future weather.
Interventions. In this module you will learn to explain why, when and which engineering interventions are needed in rivers, coast and urban environment.
Water resource management. In this module you will learn to explain why water for food and water for cities are the main challenges in water management and what the possibilities and limitations of reservoirs and groundwater are to improve water availability.
Challenges. In this module you will learn to explain the challenges in better understanding and adapting to the impact of climate change on water for the coming 50 years.

Career and Technical Education
Environmental Science
Life Science
Technology and Engineering
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Prof.dr. Nick van de Giesen
Prof.dr.ir. Herman Russchenberg
Prof.dr.ir. Hubert Savenije
Prof.dr.ir. Marcel Stive
Date Added:
Leadership for Engineers
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0.0 stars

Many of today’s global challenges require tech-driven solutions — climate change, the growth of the world population, cyber security, the increasing demand for scarce resources, digitalization, the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. With this in mind, it is no surprise that one fourth of the CEOs of the world’s 100 largest corporations have an engineering degree.

Solving these global problems requires leaders who, in the first place, are comfortable with technology, models and quantitative analyses — Leaders who see systems instead of isolated problems. However, simply understanding technology is not enough. Successful leaders today must have both the ideas and the know-how to put these ideas into action by working collaboratively with others, winning their hearts and minds.

We need leaders who know how to seize opportunities in a networked world, and can mobilize people and other stakeholders for large-scale change. Leaders who lead fulfilling lives and who are able to move themselves and others from the ‘me’ to the ‘we’. Leaders who are long-term oriented and who deliver economic profit, while also making positive contributions to society and the environment. We call these leaders ‘sustainable leaders’.

Career and Technical Education
Technology and Engineering
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Prof.mr.dr. J.A. de Bruijn
Date Added:
Nature Based Metropolitan Solutions
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0.0 stars

How can ecosystems contribute to quality of life and a more livable, healthier and more resilient urban environment?

Have you ever considered all the different benefits the ecosystem could potentially deliver to you and your surroundings? Unsustainable urbanization has resulted in the loss of biodiversity, the destruction of habitats and has therefore limited the ability of ecosystems to deliver the advantages they could confer.

This course establishes the priorities and highlights the direct values of including principles based on natural processes in urban planning and design. Take a sewage system or a public space for example. By integrating nature-based solutions they can deliver the exact same performance while also being beneficial for the environment, society and economy.

Increased connectivity between existing, modified and new ecosystems and restoring and rehabilitating them within cities through nature-based solutions provides greater resilience and the capacity to adapt more swiftly to cope with the effects of climate change and other global shifts.

This course will teach you about the design, construction, implementation and monitoring of nature-based solutions for urban ecosystems and the ecological coherence of sustainable cities. Constructing smart cities and metropolitan regions with nature-based ecosystems will secure a fair distribution of benefits from the renewed urban ecology.

This course forms a part of the educational programme of the AMS Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions and will present the state-of-the-art theories and methods developed by the Delft University of Technology and Wageningen University & Research, two of the founding universities of the AMS Institute.

Instructors, with advanced expertise in Urban Ecology, Environmental Engineering, Urban Planning and Design, will equip designers and planners with the skills they need for the sustainable management of the built environment. The course will also benefit stakeholders from both private and public sectors who want to explore the multiple benefits of restored ecosystems in cities and metropolitan regions. They will gain the knowledge and skills required to make better informed and integrated decisions on city development and urban regeneration schemes.

Career and Technical Education
Technology and Engineering
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Dr.ir. T. Bacchin
Filippo Lafleur
Geert van der Meulen
Date Added:
Next Generation Infrastructures
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0.0 stars

Infrastructures for energy, water, transport, information and communications services create the conditions for livability and economic development. They are the backbone of our society. Similar to our arteries and neural systems that sustain our human bodies, most people however take infrastructures for granted. That is, until they break down or service levels go down.

In many countries around the globe infrastructures are ageing. They require substantial investments to meet the challenges of increasing population, urbanization, resource scarcity, congestion, pollution, and so on. Infrastructures are vulnerable to extreme weather events, and therewith to climate change.
Technological innovations, such as new technologies to harvest renewable energy, are one part of the solution. The other part comes from infrastructure restructuring. Market design and regulation, for example, have a high impact on the functioning and performance of infrastructures.

Career and Technical Education
Technology and Engineering
Material Type:
Case Study
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Delft University of Technology
Date Added:
Offshore Hydromechanics 2
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0.0 stars

Part 2 of offshore hydromechanics (OE4630) involves the linear theory of calculating 1st order motions of floating structures in waves and all relevant subjects such as the concept of RAOs, response spectra and downtime/workability analysis.

Earth and Space Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Ir. P. Naaijen
Date Added:
Offshore Hydromechanics Part 1
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0.0 stars

Offshore Hydromechanics includes the following modules:1. Hydrostatics, static floating stability, constant 2-D potential flow of ideal fluids, and flows in real fluids. Introduction to resistance and propulsion of ships. Review of linear regular and irregular wave theory. 2. Analytical and numerical means to determine the flow around, forces on, and motions of floating bodies in waves. 3. Higher order potential theory and inclusion of non-linear effects in ship motions. Applications to motion of moored ships and to the determination of workability. 4. Interaction between the sea and sea bottom as well as the hydrodynamic forces and especially survival loads on slender structures.

Career and Technical Education
Earth and Space Science
Technology and Engineering
Material Type:
Full Course
Lecture Notes
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
de Jong, P.
Date Added:
Principles of Rock Mechanics
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0.0 stars

The principles of rock mechancis explains the fundamental concepts of continuum mechanics and rheology as applied in studies of rock deformation. A thorough understanding of rock behavior is essential for strategic planning in the petroleum and mining industry, in construction operation, and in locating subsurface repositories. The formation of geological structures or rock deformation patterns, studied by geodynamicists and tectonicians, is, also governed by the mechanical principles outlined in this textbook. The aim of the present book is obvious: to inspire a new generation of positively forward-thinking geoscientists and engineers, skillful in and favorable to the practical application of mechanics to rock structures.

Earth and Space Science
Material Type:
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
R. Weijermars
Date Added:
Process Intensification
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0.0 stars

1. Introduction to Process Intensification (PI):
- sustainability-related issues in process industry;
- definitions of Process Intensification;
- fundamental principles and approaches of PI.

2. How to design a sustainable, inherently safer processing plant
- presentation of PI case study assignments.

3. PI Approaches:
- STRUCTURE - PI approach in spatial domain (incl. "FOCUS ON" guest lecture)
- ENERGY - PI approach in thermodynamic domain
- SYNERGY - PI approach in functional domain
- TIME - PI approach in temporal domain
Study Goals
Basic knowledge in Process Intensification

Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Dr. G. Stefanidis
Date Added:
Redeneren en Logica
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0.0 stars

Het vak Redeneren en Logica gaat over redeneringen en hun geldigheid. Een redenering bestaat uit een aantal premissen, en een conclusie. Een redenering is geldig wanneer de conclusie altijd waar is wanneer de premissen dat zijn. Het kan, wanneer een redenering geldig is, dus niet voorkomen dat de premissen waar zijn, en de conclusie onwaar. Zo'n situatie heet een tegenvoorbeeld, en dat toont aan dat een redenering ongeldig is. Wanneer een redenering geldig is, heet hij een stelling ("theorem" in het engels), en kan men de conclusie afleiden uit de aannanme dat de premissen waar zijn. Zo'n afleiding heet een bewijs.

Social Studies
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
T.B. Klos
Date Added:
Spatial Tools in Water Resources Management
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0.0 stars

The course discusses several Geopgraphical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) tools relevant for analysis of (problems in and aspects of) water systems. Within the course, several applications are introduced. These applications include GIS tools to determine mapping of surface water systems (catchment delineation, reservoirs and canal systems). The RS tools include determination of evaporation and soil moisture patterns, and measurement of water levels in surface water systems. In exercises and lectures, different tools and applications are offered. For each application, assignments are given to allow students to acquire relevant skills. The course structure combines assignments and introductory lectures. Each week participants work on one assignment. These assignments are discussed in the next lecture and graded. Each week a new assignment is introduced, together with supporting materials (an article discussing the relevant application) and lectures (introducing theoretical issues). The study material of the course consists of a study guide, assignments, lecture material and articles. The final mark is the average of the grades of the individual assignments.

Earth and Space Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
S.C. Steele-Dunne
Date Added: