All resources in CESA #1 OER Integration of ITL Standards with ELA & Math Standards

Integer Operations Round Robin

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This activity can be used to practice integer operations.  It includes addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  Ability to edit to accomodate for number or questions and/or a specific operation is available. Students each start with their own paper.  Each student solves the first problem in the alotted time (suggested time 1 min).  When the time is up students pass their paper to a specified student next to them.  Students continue this in a circular pattern so that each students ends up with their original paper at the same time.  Correct papers at the end.   

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Ashley Gaulke

Polynomial Function Transformation on Desmos

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This electronic activity uses Desmos to walk students through graphical representations of polynomial transformations. Students work at their own pace or through teacher controlled pacing to explore cases and illustrate an explanation of the effects on the graph using technology.  Teachers can also select and highlight student responses and bring them to the attention of the entire class. Link to Activity

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Emily O'Brien

Goal Setting

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We know how important it is to help students set academic goals so they can monitor their learning. This resource can be used for any subject area. It explains the steps for creating a SMART goal, and encourages students to self-reflect.

Material Type: Formative Assessment, Self Assessment, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Katie Powers

Reading Log

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This reading log is meant to help students monitor their reading in class. There is a tab for each month so students can track how many books they read in the school year. Students also track the date and notes about the book they are reading.

Material Type: Formative Assessment, Homework/Assignment, Reading, Self Assessment

Author: Katie Powers

Literacy Conferencing Log

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I use this resource in my classroom to conference with students, specifically in reading class. The Google Sheet includes tabs for the student's name, date, title of book, page number they are currently on, a connected standard I may be assessing at the time, and notes about their performance. Students can also read a page or two aloud as a quick fluency check.

Material Type: Formative Assessment, Learning Task

Author: Katie Powers

Delta Math - Electronic Practice

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Electronic practice that can provide teachers the ability to individualize or assign as a group. This collections of topics covers middle school standards through AP Calculus AB. Easily create a class and assign practice topics to one or all of your students. You can assign due date, late dates, as well as customize how many questions students need to work through. Students get immediate feedback on their practice and are walked through the correct solution if they get it incorrect. This website is run by a math teacher who created it because he was looking for an alternative to assigning textbook problems.

Material Type: Formative Assessment, Homework/Assignment, Interactive

Author: Emily O'Brien

The Stolen Car and Keys Lesson - Parametric Equations

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This is a 50 minute lesson to have students engage in graphing and understanding parametric equations. This resource can be completed within 1 class period and provides an opportunity for students to start to think about how to graph parametric equations and why they might be used. It also fosters conversations about key features of parametric equations and why they are needed.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Tim Marley

Teaching Students About Copyright And Fair Use

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Students explore the legal and ethical dimensions of respecting creative work. First, they learn a basic foundation of legal principles and vocabulary related to copyright. They understand how such factors as the rules of copyright law, the values and intent of the original creator, and the audience and purpose should affect their decisions about using the creative work of others. Using the Mad Men Student Handout, students then apply these principles to a simulation activity in which they act as advertising executives who have to choose a photo for an ad campaign.

Material Type: Lesson

Authors: Nichole Niebur, Teaching Channel

Understanding Fair Use in the Digital World

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Students explore the concept of fair use, apply it to case studies, and create an original work of fair use. Students learn how to judge whether something is protected by fair use by using the Four Points of Fair Use Student Handout. They apply the four points of fair use to two case studies, a remixed video and a mash-up song, to judge whether or not they fall under fair use. Students then create an original work of fair use by reworking copyrighted material to create a collage or a remix video.

Material Type: Learning Task, Lesson

Authors: Commen Sense Education, Novella Bailey, Teaching Channel

Comparing and Contrasting Book to Movie Adaptations

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Students identify the main events that take place in a classic children's picture book. Students will then compare and contrast the book to the film using specific events from both. Students will analyze the choices the director makes in recreating the events from the book. Lastly, students will write a movie review based on the analysis of the events.

Material Type: Assessment, Lesson Plan, Reading

Author: Rachel Quill

Box Plot Desmos Lesson

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This Desmos activity provides an interactive opportunity for students to work with data as represented  between data and the box plot that results from it. Students walk through an investigation on interpreting center, spread, and the impact of outliers on various box plots. Students will also use their inference skills to compare two box plots. The teacher has the ability to pace students on slides, pause them, and promote whole class discussion based upon individual student responses. The teacher can also anonymize students names to provide for more risk taking in their responses.Students may be reminded of their prior knowledge of a box plot from middle school before starting this lesson.This original lesson was created by Bob Lochel and modified by Emily O'Brien.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Emily O'Brien

A Close Reading of the First Four Presidents: Washington through Madison

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Students will read an article online about the first four presidents. The online article provides scaffolds for vocabulary and reading. Students can use the online quiz to check for understanding. Students will then perform a close reading of the article following six text dependent questions. The lesson describes the activities along with the language to use for each of the questions.

Material Type: Formative Assessment, Interactive, Learning Task, Lesson, Lesson Plan, Primary Source, Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Rachel Quill

Template of spread sheet for Reading Tier 2 and 3 Progress Monitoring Data

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Literacy Specialists, Reading Specialists, SPED, Educators and administrators may use this template to collect data. This is a spread sheet that may be used K-8. This tool allows teams to collect and share data in a document that is easy to use, pull up and look at when working in collaboration with teams that include specialists, administrators, educators and parents working to close gaps for struggling learners. While created for reading interventions it may be used for all interventions in multiple academic settings.

Material Type: Curriculum Map, Data Set, Diagram/Illustration, Other, Reading, Reference Material, Rubric/Scoring Guide

Author: Marietta Luckman