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  • WI.WCCTS.CD2.b.9.h - Analyze local and regional labor market and job growth information to ...
Advanced Foundational SAEs
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This lesson is designed to follow the Intermediate SAEs:The Next Step. The objective is to continue to move students through the research and development of their Foundational Career SAE. The students will continue to work on their Foundational SAE project based on their career interest, but research topics at the advanced level. The teacher may choose to only use the Foundational SAE project or they can also include an immersion SAE project that students keep track of their time, income and expenses over the course of the class. The students will participate in weekly assignments for their Foundational SAE and if they are completing an immersion SAE they will keep track of their hours each week. Starting SAE projects in the classroom should be simple for the teacher and students. Minimum expectations that can still produce success for all students would be tracking 1-hour of SAE time per week, exploring one career topic per week, and recording one financial entry per month. A final report or project at the end of the class would also be a minimum expectation for all students.

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Glenda Crook
Date Added:
CESA 7 ACP Job Shadows
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Job Shadowing is an important part of Academic and Career Planning.  Job shadows typical take place in high school and/or the early years of college.  In order for everyone involved in the job shadow experience, it is necessary to take the time to prepare our students prior to sending them out for a job shadow.  Students need to research careers and companies. If students set up their own job shadows, they need to have instruction on how to make the phone call or how to make the request in email or in person.  The ask should be modeled and role played to help students prepare.  Students need to prepare and ask questions during the job shadow experience.  Getting feedback from the job shadow mentor and students is helpful in making improvements for all involved as well as making lasting relationships for future shadows.  And, don't forget the importance of a thank you card from the student as well as the school.

Career and Technical Education
School Counseling
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Marci Waldron-Kuhn
Date Added:
Carreras y comunidades:  Spanish language Career Exploration and preparation
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Taught in Spanish, for students interested in exploring a variety of careers and are:- dual language immersion learners- Spanish language learners who completed AP Spanish - New arrivals who speak Spanish- Heritage language learners Assessment: formative & summative assessments around the various modes of communication: Interpersonal, Presentational, and InterpretiveStudent centered, with lots of time built in for independent exploration, sharing with groups, guest speakers, and site visits in preparation for a career post graduation and pathway to accomplish their goals.Linked to Career or World Language Standards and overlap with business and IT standards. Students will be meeting many different objectives in their coursework. Additionally, participation in this class may help students understand the relevance of their other course preparations and how those subjects contribute to career readiness. 

Career and Technical Education
World Languages
Material Type:
Formative Assessment
Interim/Summative Assessment
Self Assessment
Barbara A Davis
Date Added:
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions - Achieving Personal Financial Goals Lesson Plan
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0.0 stars

Lesson Objective: At the completion of this lesson, students will have a better understanding of how they make informed personal decisions that can affect income generation. Supplies Needed: Student Handout 1 SWOT Analysis for College Choices (2 per student) (found in Task 3) Student Handout 2 Definitions and Risks (found in Task 5) Student Handout Answer Key 2 Definitions and Risks (found in Resource Library) Teacher Resource 1 Five Paragraph Essay Rubric (found in Task 7) Video 1 Laugh and Learn about Personal Finance (3:17) (found in Task 1)  References Econedlink: Council for Economic Education. (n.d.). Economic Glossary. Retrieved from http://www.econedlink.org/economic-resources/glossary.php Laugh and Learn about Personal Finance – InvestorED.ca by GetSmarterAboutMoney.ca. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_mU8VX1Arc MBA dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2014, from MBAResearch and Curriculum Center 

Business and Information Technology
Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
MBA Research and Curriculum Center
Date Added:
Introduction to Immersion SAEs
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0.0 stars

This lesson is designed to help students move from their Foundational SAE to an Immersion SAE. The students will continue to work on their Foundational SAE project based on their career interest, but they will also be introduced to Immersion SAEs. The teacher may choose to only use the Foundational SAE project to get started, but they should work toward helping their students move their SAE project to include one or more Immersion SAE projects. The students will participate in weekly Immersion SAE record keeping. Starting SAE projects in the classroom should be simple for the teacher and students. Minimum expectations that can still produce success for all students would be tracking 1-hour of SAE time per week, exploring one career topic per week, and recording one financial entry per month. A final report or project at the end of the class would also be a minimum expectation for all students. Over time the students expectations for their Immersion SAE projects can be expanded to include more record keeping and financial entries.

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Glenda Crook
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Local Employment Opportunities
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

In this lesson, students will identify careers at local businesses. By communicating with area employers and identifying potential careers, students could possibly find a career they identify with and could pursue as a career path. This would help both students with career choices and local businesses with possible new employees.

Career and Technical Education
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Metalworking Career Exploration and Resume Building
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In this project, students will explore various careers associated with metalworking through research from the Occupational Outlook Handbook and real local job listings. They will then create a tailored resume for a job listing of their choice, showcasing the needed skills and relevant education/training and work history. The goal is to help students understand the different career paths in metalworking and the needed skills and education they will need to develop  to increase their employability in the industry as well as learn how to create a professional resume document. 

Career and Technical Education
Technology and Engineering
Material Type:
Kyle Jeffress
Date Added:
Welding as a Career
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The Welding Fabrication & Robotics Associate Degree program prepares learners to program and operate CNC cutting and forming equipment, as well as robotic welders, and develops the skills needed to work in an advanced metal manufacturing environment. Learners also expand their print reading skills through fabrication layout, fixturing, and precision measurement. Welding metallurgy and machine shop principles are also studied. Critical thinking skills are built through problem-solving activities that foster teamwork, positive attitudes, and an understanding of global competition.

Technology and Engineering
Material Type:
Full Course
Mr. Hannan
Date Added: