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  • WI.MME.MC5.k.5.h - Design packaging graphics for a product.
Functions of Packaging-Egg-Citment
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This assignment was developed to test students knowledge on the functions of packaging. Students will act as a packaging engineer for a new fundraising company with a unique idea. Students are told that the product is a raw egg with the likeness of Elvis Presley on it. Students will have to develop a package that will contain and protect, promote, facilitate storage, use, and convenience, and facilitate recycling of the product. Student's packages will then be put through a delivery test. The delivery tesst will involve throwing the package back and forth from one person to another ten times from a distance of 15 feet. Should the product survive this, it will be exposed to the "plunge" where it will be given a one-time free fall from 8 feet high.

Career and Technical Education
Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship
Material Type:
Formative Assessment
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Product Labeling and Branding - Giggle Juice
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0.0 stars

Students will create a label for a bottled beverage. The target market for the beverage is children ages 4-10, both boys and girls, and is available throughout the United States. All students are required to call the juice "Giggle Juice", which makes it fun to see how they can spin the idea. Students will design the branding, and include it on the descriptive label. Typically, I give each student a different drink with a label that can be peeled off so we can analyze the label first, and then the students use that bottle to create the label for their "Giggle Juice"

Career and Technical Education
Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship
Material Type:
Interim/Summative Assessment
Date Added: