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  • WI.2020.ELA.SL.44147.4 - Present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying pers...
High School ELA Career Readiness - Communication & Soft Skills in the Workplace
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Lesson Description:  Overview: When talking to numerous departments at Reinhart Foodservice, all department heads emphasized the need for communication between departments and wanting to hire employees who possess excellent soft skills. For this unit, students will complete a job experience, job shadow, or community service experience where they will observe communication at the workplace as well as note examples of soft skills in the workplace. Students will also explain how they used communication skills and soft skills. Finally, they will present their findings in a PowerPoint presentation.Learning Goals:  Students will be able to:Complete a job experience, job shadow, or community service experienceStudents will articulate soft skills seen in the experienceStudents will explain how they used communication skills and soft skillsStudents will present their findings in a presentation

Career and Technical Education
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Mary Maderich
Date Added: