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  • excited-state
Electromagnetic Radiation
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Students are presented with a hypothetical scenario that delivers the unit's Grand Challenge Question: To apply an understanding of nanoparticles to treat, detect and protect against skin cancer. Towards finding a solution, they begin the research phase by investigating the first research question: What is electromagnetic energy? Students learn about the electromagnetic spectrum, ultraviolet radiation (including UVA, UVB and UVC rays), photon energy, the relationship between wave frequency and energy (c = λν), as well as about the Earth's ozone-layer protection and that nanoparticles are being used for medical applications. The lecture material also includes information on photo energy and the dual particle/wave model of light. Students complete a problem set to calculate frequency and energy.

Career and Technical Education
Health Science
Technology and Engineering
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Provider Set:
TeachEngineering NGSS Aligned Resources
Michelle Bell, Amber Spolarich
VU Bioengineering RET Program, School of Engineering, Vanderbilt University,
Date Added:
Flame Test: Red, Green, Blue, Violet?
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Educational Use
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To become familiar with the transfer of energy in the form of quantum, students perform flame tests, which is one way chemical engineers identify elements by observing the color emitted when placed in a flame. After calculating and then preparing specific molarity solutions of strontium chloride, copper II chloride and potassium chloride (good practice!), students observe the distinct colors each solution produces when placed in a flame, determine the visible light wavelength, and apply that data to identify the metal in a mystery solution. They also calculate the frequency of energy for the solutions.

Career and Technical Education
Physical Science
Technology and Engineering
Material Type:
Provider Set:
TeachEngineering NGSS Aligned Resources
Michelle Bell, Amber Spolarich
VU Bioengineering RET Program, School of Engineering, Vanderbilt University,
Date Added: