Welcome to one of 12 Business, Marketing and Information Technology Quality Modules! …
Welcome to one of 12 Business, Marketing and Information Technology Quality Modules! The purpose of these modules is to illustrate quality examples of each of the 2018 ACTE Quality CTE Framework elements. Regardless if you are in a pre-service education program or an experienced educator, these modules will benefit your future and business & marketing program11. Work-based Learning addresses the delivery of a continuum of work-based learning involving sustained, meaningful interactions with industry or community professionals that foster in-depth, firsthand engagement with the tasks required in a given career field. Experiences may be delivered in workplaces, in the community, at educational institutions and/or virtually, as appropriate, and include a range of activities such as workplace tours, job shadowing, school-based enterprises, internships and apprenticeships.
The Business Model Canvas (BMC) gives you the structure of a business …
The Business Model Canvas (BMC) gives you the structure of a business plan without the overhead and the improvisation of a 'back of the napkin' sketch without the fuzziness. The Canvas has nine elements: Customer Segments, Value Propositions, Channels, Customer Relationships, Revenue Streams, Key Activities, Key Resources, Key Partnerships, Cost Structure. The Canvas is popular with entrepreneurs for business model innovation. Fundamentally, it delivers three things: focus, flexibility, and transparency.
The Institute for Humane Studies has partnered with the authors of the …
The Institute for Humane Studies has partnered with the authors of the textbook Common Sense Economics: What Everyone Should Know about Wealth Creation and Prosperity to help teach students why economic understanding is essential for life in today's society. With videos and quiz question corresponding to each element, this collection can be used as a study guide for "Part 1: Twelve Key Elements of Economics".
As a new Entrepreneurship class starts you want your students to get …
As a new Entrepreneurship class starts you want your students to get to know each other and get the juices flowing on how to create innovative ideas. This lesson will give you a great ice-breaker/lesson for the first or second day of an entrepreneurship class.
“Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the …
“Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer's toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.”— Tim Brown, CEO of IDEOThinking like a designer can transform the way organizations develop products, services, processes, and strategy. This approach, which IDEO calls design thinking, brings together what is desirable from a human point of view with what is technologically feasible and economically viable. It also allows people who aren't trained as designers to use creative tools to address a vast range of challenges.
In case you aren’t familiar with the term, an entrepreneur is a …
In case you aren’t familiar with the term, an entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operates their own business. In this lesson, you will identify the skills and characteristics that make entrepreneurs successful, investigate paths to becoming an entrepreneur (e.g. starting your own business, buying a franchise, etc.). You will also explore characteristics and skills that you’ve developed that demonstrate your entrepreneurial spirit!
In this Xello interactive lesson, you will identify the skills and characteristics …
In this Xello interactive lesson, you will identify the skills and characteristics that make entrepreneurs successful, investigate paths to becoming an entrepreneur, and explore the benefits and challenges of becoming an entrepreneur.
Students will learn about careers and entrepreneurial businesses that exist within their …
Students will learn about careers and entrepreneurial businesses that exist within their own community by taking pictures and interviewing people working. This is a great way of creating career awareness or encouraging a more in-depth study of entrepreneurial careers. This can be used as a way for students to hone communication skills; become more familiar with different kinds of jobs, and expose them to a wealth of career possibilities. This activity can also be used to foster business/community partnerships. It can be used as a formative activity to prompt student motivation and interest, or as a summative assessment through which content is assessed for the inclusion of the targeted learning objectives.
An individual booklet with a interactive whiteboard lesson designed for high school …
An individual booklet with a interactive whiteboard lesson designed for high school students in the Marketing or Entrepreneurship classroom. Sets of 50 booklets can be ordered for your classroom at no charge. www.dallasfed.org/educate/
Global Entrepreneurship Lab: Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa enables teams …
Global Entrepreneurship Lab: Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa enables teams of students to work with the top management of global start-ups and gain experience in running, and consulting to, a new enterprise outside the United States. The focus is on start-ups operating in emerging markets throughout the world, with a special focus on Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa. The course combines an internship in a growing firm with in-class discussions of the issues and policies that affect the climate for innovation and start-up success around the world.
Students will be able to: - Explain various ways to fund a …
Students will be able to: - Explain various ways to fund a new business - Analyze sample elevator pitches and their effectiveness - Understand how social media marketing can help reach their target audience - Identify key considerations when hiring for their new business
Students will be able to - Identify possible first steps in starting …
Students will be able to - Identify possible first steps in starting a business after developing an idea - Understand the importance and purpose of a business plan - Describe elements that should be included in a business plan - Analyze several sample business plans and their effectiveness
This lesson teaches students about the importance of entrepreneurship and small businesses …
This lesson teaches students about the importance of entrepreneurship and small businesses in our society. First, use the briefing (found in Task 1) to teach students about this concept. Then, lead the class in discussion. Finally, ask students to research and write about the topic. This lesson is a part of the Business and Marketing Essentials Course Guide. To download it, visit mbastatesconnection.mbaresearch.org and select "Course Guides" under "Curriculum and Instruction."
Introduces tools from strategy and economics to look systematically at marketing strategy. …
Introduces tools from strategy and economics to look systematically at marketing strategy. Topics include how to find profit opportunities, how to create competitive advantage, and how to challenge competitive advantage. Taught as a mix of cases and lectures. The course is aimed at helping you look at the entire marketing mix in light of the strategy of the firm. It will be most helpful to students pursuing careers in which they need to look at the firm as a whole. Examples include consultants, investment analysts, entrepreneurs, and product managers. Objectives 1. Identify, evaluate, and develop marketing strategies. 2. Evaluate a firm's opportunities. 3. Anticipate competitive dynamics. 4. Evaluate the sustainability of competitive advantages.
Students will be able to - Apply their knowledge on creating a …
Students will be able to - Apply their knowledge on creating a business - Craft a business presentation, advertisement, and elevator pitch - Present their business idea to your classmates
Students will have fun collecting data using the Coffee Shop Game. (1st …
Students will have fun collecting data using the Coffee Shop Game. (1st resource) Then they will take the collected data and enter it on a spreadsheet and review how to graph on google spreadsheets! (2nd resource) Encourage students to problem solve how to make the best coffee and make the most money. Collaboration is encouraged!
The Validation Board is a tool that will help you track your …
The Validation Board is a tool that will help you track your progress and focus your ideas too what really matters in your new business idea. This a part of the lean startup method for Entrepreneurs.
Students will be able to - Understand what makes a strong business …
Students will be able to - Understand what makes a strong business idea - Brainstorm your own business ideas - Identify characteristics of successful entrepreneurs
This high school business resource provides a PDF template and link to the …
This high school business resource provides a PDF template and link to the resource, Job Description Writing Guide. Students are instructed to craft a job description for a new business. Project can be a stand-alone or part of a larger business plan project.
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