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A Timeline for Completing a Library Long Range Plan (1).pdf
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A Timeline for Completing a District (K-12) Library Long Range Plan
Prepared by Becki George, Rice Lake Area School District, 2/2021
Shared with Library Planning Group - CESA 1, 11, 12 - 2.24.2021

Disclaimer: This is the process we have used, successfully in my school district for a number of years.
Adjust it as needed for your local situation.

Key Questions:
Is the plan aligned with or connected to District goals?
Is the plan researched, supported with evidence, based on a needs assessment or survey data?
Are the needs of students and staff supported by the plan?
Is the plan realistic, manageable, and/or doable in 1 year? (or the duration of the plan)

Library and Information Science
Material Type:
Becki George
Date Added: