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WI Well Water Viewer - Private Well Data for Wisconsin - Center for Watershed Science and Education at UW-Stevens Point
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The WI Well Water Quality Interactive Viewer was created as an educational tool to help people better understand Wisconsin's groundwater resources. Communities or individuals have used it to:

See what is known about general well water quality in Wisconsin.
Compare water quality in different areas.
Raise awareness of local groundwater quality issues.
Promote testing and outreach efforts.
Encourage well testing in areas where little data exists.
The viewer relies on voluntarily submitted well water samples from homeowners and other well water data collected by state agencies over the past 25 years. This includes private well water quality data from the Center for Watershed Science and Education, the WI Dept. of Ag, Trade and Consumer Protection, and the WI Department of Natural Resources Groundwater Retrieval Network, Eau Claire County Health Dept and La Crosse County Health Dept.

The WI Well Water Viewer does not represent well water quality information for all known private wells. This information is not intended to be a substitute for well water testing and the viewer does not provide site specific information for an individual well or property. The Center for Watershed Science and Education is not responsible for misuse or misinterpretation of the data.

The compilation of data was assisted by a grant through the Environmental Public Health Tracking Program through the WI Department of Health Services.

Career and Technical Education
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Science
Family and Consumer Sciences
Health Science
Life Science
Nutrition Education
Material Type:
Data Set
David Mechenich
Center for Watershed Science and Education
Date Added: