All resources in Early Mathematics

4K High Quality Math Instructional Materials Guidance

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This resource is meant to be used in parallel with Instruction Partner Curriculum Support Guide.  The guidance is the 4K High Quality Instructional Materials includes additional questions and considerations to guide teams in the process of selection high quality instructional materials for 4K students.  The guide includes learning and evidence based resources to allow district and building leadership teams have the tools necessary to lead their teams in adopting resources that include best practices for 4K math instruction. 

Material Type: Other

Authors: Diamond Gulick, Tina Lemmens, Karen Brunk, Brenda Geier, April Schofield, Paula Moore, Chris Boettcher

Subitizing Informational Parent Letter and Resources

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This resource is a subitizing informational parent letter. The resource contains an explanation of subitizing, describes why subitizing is important, gives examples on how to support subitizing at home, provides a list of books to encourage subitizing, and has a set of dot cards. This resource was inspired by learning within The Power of Early Mathematics, 2024, a WISELearn Innovation Grant funded WI Department of Public Instruction learning series. 

Material Type: Other

Authors: Cindy Daniels, Erica Mueller

Counting Collections & Subitizing

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This resource contains lessons and activities for counting collections and subitizing. It was inspired by learning within The Power of Early Mathematics, 2024, a WISELearn Innovation Grant funded WI Department of Public Instruction learning series.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Game, Learning Task, Lesson

Authors: Stacy Fuehrer, Alison Clausen, Christy Roberts, Gregory Balza, Heather Shock, Kristina Crabb, Lisa Delfosse, Kris Britton, Keah Hapke, Lisa Shamburek

Early Numeracy Family Enagement Night

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This resource was created to help educators of students aged 3-8 plan a family engagement session/night. Included in this resource is a flyer that can be sent to your community. This flyer is fully editable and can be customized to your needs. The facilitation guide will help you with the steps you should take to plan, organize, and hold the family engagement session. In the facilitation guide, there is a resource that can be handed to parents either digitally or in a physical copy. As a gift to your participant, a game can also be sent home with them. We suggest that these games, one per grade level, be prepared as directed so that they are ready to be used immediately. This family engagement experience can be set up to meet your needs; however, to accommodate many participants, we have designed it so that participants move through a series of stations. Each station is based on a grade level. We understand that you may have parents only interested in the grade level their child is enrolled in, but we suggest that you encourage parents to visit all stations so that they can see the progression of mathematics from pre-kindergarten through second grade.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Bethany Baumgartner, Chad Gibson, Elizabeth Beere, Jessica Jung, Kristin Pavelec, Lisa Piller, Quinn Marx, RIck Robbins

Subitizing Progression and Activities

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This resource is a tool for educators to better understand and support the subitizing progression from Pre-K through Grade 3 and was inspired by learning within The Power of Early Mathematics, 2024, a WISELearn Innovation Grant funded WI Department of Public Instruction learning series. It contains the general subitizing progression, with their connection to the 2021 Wisconsin Standards for Mathematics, and supporting instructional activities for each stage in the progression. 

Material Type: Learning Task, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: Kirsten Wagner, Stefanie Emmer, Elizabeth Weber, Wendy Kay Domena, Crystal Hearvey, Lisa A. O'Malley

Counting Collection at Home

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This resource is intended to be shared with families after Counting Collections have been introduced at school.  Parents/guardians can be given this at a Family Math Night or shared electronically or by paper.  This is an overview of Counting Collections with tips on how to replicate this learning experience at home.

Material Type: Reference Material

Authors: Nanci Foster, Aubree Foster

Parent Resource for Supporting Shape Learning

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This resource is a parent letter for supporting shape learning at. home. The resource contains an explanation of shapes, describes why shape learning is important, gives examples on how to support shape understanding at home, provides a list of books to have fun with shapes and has a set of resources to play games with shapes. This resource was inspired by learning within The Power of Early Mathematics, 2024, a WISELearn Innovation Grant funded WI Department of Public Instruction learning series and the Young Mathematicians learning site.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Rachel Koss, Kally Jehn