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Early Numary Family Engagement Night
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

 This resource was created to help educators of students aged 3-8 plan a family engagement session/night. Included in this resource is a flyer that can be sent to your community. This flyer is fully editable and can be customized to your needs. The facilitation guide will help you with the steps you should take to plan, organize, and hold the family engagement session. In the facilitation guide, there is a resource that can be handed to parents either digitally or in a physical copy. As a gift to your participant, a game can also be sent home with them. We suggest that these games, one per grade level, be prepared as directed so that they are ready to be used immediately. This family engagement experience can be set up to meet your needs; however, to accommodate many participants, we have designed it so that participants move through a series of stations. Each station is based on a grade level. We understand that you may have parents only interested in the grade level their child is enrolled in, but we suggest that you encourage parents to visit all stations so that they can see the progression of mathematics from pre-kindergarten through second grade.

Material Type:
Elizabeth Beere
Date Added:
Early Numeracy Family Enagement Night
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This resource was created to help educators of students aged 3-8 plan a family engagement session/night. Included in this resource is a flyer that can be sent to your community. This flyer is fully editable and can be customized to your needs. The facilitation guide will help you with the steps you should take to plan, organize, and hold the family engagement session. In the facilitation guide, there is a resource that can be handed to parents either digitally or in a physical copy. As a gift to your participant, a game can also be sent home with them. We suggest that these games, one per grade level, be prepared as directed so that they are ready to be used immediately.

This family engagement experience can be set up to meet your needs; however, to accommodate many participants, we have designed it so that participants move through a series of stations. Each station is based on a grade level. We understand that you may have parents only interested in the grade level their child is enrolled in, but we suggest that you encourage parents to visit all stations so that they can see the progression of mathematics from pre-kindergarten through second grade.

Material Type:
Chad Gibson
Elizabeth Beere
Jessica Jung
Kristin Pavelec
Lisa Piller
Quinn Marx
RIck Robbins
Bethany Baumgartner
Date Added:
Math Modeling Comprehensive Planning Form
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This planning form breaks down the pre-planning work into one form. It includes a brief description of each phase of the math modeling task, a placeholder for writing specific teacher instructional moves, along with questions to probe deeper reasoning and thinking skills. The form also incorporates teacher and student outcomes for each phase along with space to use during the live lesson for student evidence. An example of how to use this planning form is found at the bottom of this document. 

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Elizabeth Beere
Stacy Cortez
Date Added: