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  • WI.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.5 - Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, ...
Global Studies Course Proposal (Standards Mapped)
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0.0 stars

Use this resource to review a possible curriculum for a high school level Global Studies course aligned to the English-Language Arts Common Core State Standards and Wisconsin Social Studies Standards. The goal of this course is to ensure that students are purposeful, motivated readers who make meaning from what they read to be democratic citizens now and in the future. Throughout this course, students will become independent learners that understand the value of reading and writing in today’s global community. This course will foster the 21st Century skills of creativity, collaboration, problem solving, critical thinking, communication, productivity, and innovation within a context that uses standards from both the Wisconsin Social Studies Standards and the Common Core State Standards for English-language Arts (CCSS ELA). Moving throughout the year, students will focus on the five strands of social studies aligned by the Wisconsin Standards:

Geography: People, Places, and Environment

History: Time, Continuity, and Change

Political Science and Citizenship: Power, Authority, Governance, and Responsibility

Economics: Production, Distribution, Exchange, and Consumption

The Behavior Sciences: Individuals, Institutions, and Cultures

English Language Arts
Social Studies
Material Type:
Curriculum Map
Date Added:
Research of Company Profiles
0.0 stars

Working collaboratively students pick a company to research to learn more about the history and success of the organization. The group needs to find the following pieces of information:
Company NameList of Products ProducedCompany HistoryCompany Future Outlook/Current Company NewsProduct AdvertisementsProfit/Loss Information (listed and compared to another company)CEO and Other Important Figures ListedCurrent Stock Price (graph)Five Other Pieces of Pertinent Information

Business and Information Technology
Career and Technical Education
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Curriculum Map
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Katie Grassel
Katie Grassel
Date Added: