This activity helps students understand the significance of programming and also how …
This activity helps students understand the significance of programming and also how the LEGO MINDSTORMS(TM) NXT robot's sensors assist its movement and make programming easier. Students compare human senses to robot sensors, describing similarities and differences.
Using new knowledge acquired in the associated lesson, students program LEGO MINDSTORMS(TM) …
Using new knowledge acquired in the associated lesson, students program LEGO MINDSTORMS(TM) NXT robots to go through a maze using movement blocks. The maze is created on the classroom floor with cardboard boxes as its walls. Student pairs follow the steps of the engineering design process to brainstorm, design and test programs to success. Through this activity, students understand how to create and test a basic program. A PowerPoint® presentation, pre/post quizzes and worksheet are provided.
"Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice" is an open-source ebook that …
"Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice" is an open-source ebook that explains the main principles of Computer Networking and the key protocols that are used on the Internet. The first part describes the theoretical foundations of this domain as well and the main algorithms and protocols. The ebook is intended to be used for an upper-level undergraduate networking course. The second part contains a detailed explanation of the main Internet protocols including HTTP, DNS, TCP, UDP, IPv6, BGP, RIP, OSPF, Ethernet and WiFi. The last part contains exercises and practical labs to allow the students to test their knowledge. The Computer Networking: Principles, Protocols and Practice textbook is one of the winners of the first Open Textbook challenge organised by the Saylor foundation in the US.
Contient la partie théorique du support du cours SINF1252 donné aux étudiants …
Contient la partie théorique du support du cours SINF1252 donné aux étudiants en informatique à l’Université catholique de Louvain (UCL). Consulter la page du cours pour d'autre formats et exercices =>
Students learn about the human body's system components, specifically its sensory systems, …
Students learn about the human body's system components, specifically its sensory systems, nervous system and brain, while comparing them to robot system components, such as sensors and computers. The unit's life sciences-to-engineering comparison is accomplished through three lessons and five activities. The important framework of "stimulus-sensor-coordinator-effector-response" is introduced to show how it improves our understanding the cause-effect relationships of both systems. This framework reinforces the theme of the human body as a system from the perspective of an engineer. This unit is the second of a series, intended to follow the Humans Are Like Robots unit.
Students observe and test their reflexes, including the (involuntary) pupillary response and …
Students observe and test their reflexes, including the (involuntary) pupillary response and (voluntary) reaction times using their dominant and non-dominant hands, as a way to further explore how reflexes occur in humans. They gain insights into how our bodies react to stimuli, and how some reactions and body movements are controlled automatically, without conscious thought. Using information from the associated lesson about how robots react to situations, including the stimulus-to-response framework, students see how engineers use human reflexes as examples for controls for robots.
Students learn about human reflexes, how our bodies react to stimuli and …
Students learn about human reflexes, how our bodies react to stimuli and how some body reactions and movements are controlled automatically, without thinking consciously about the movement or responses. In the associated activity, students explore how reflexes work in the human body by observing an involuntary human reflex and testing their own reaction times using dominant and non-dominant hands. Once students understand the stimulus-to-response framework components as a way to describe human reflexes and reactions in certain situations, they connect this knowledge to how robots can be programmed to conduct similar reactions.
Building on what they learned about wired and wireless electrical connections in …
Building on what they learned about wired and wireless electrical connections in the associated lesson, students use Android phones to take advantage of Bluetooth wireless connections to remotely guide LEGO MINDSTORMS(TM) NXT robots through a maze. They compare this wireless remote control navigation to their previous experiences navigating LEGO robots via programming. A PowerPoint® presentation and pre/post quizzes are provided.
With the challenge to program computers to mimic the human reaction after …
With the challenge to program computers to mimic the human reaction after touching a hot object, students program LEGO® robots to "react" and move back quickly once their touch sensors bump into something. By relating human senses to electronic sensors used in robots, students see the similarities between the human brain and its engineering counterpart, the computer, and come to better understand the functioning of sensors in both applications. They apply an understanding of the human "stimulus-sensor-coordinator-effector-response" framework to logically understand human and robot actions.
Student pairs first act out the instructions a robot is given with …
Student pairs first act out the instructions a robot is given with one person providing instructions and the other person following the instructions. This activity helps students understand how robots are programmed and with what type of precision commands must be given. Then students program LEGO MINDSTORMS(TM) NXT taskbots to navigate a simple maze. The goal is to teach students that robot computers simply follow directions exactly as they are given, thus one must be very clear and logical with programming instructions.
This activity helps students understand how a LEGO MINDSTORMS(TM) NXT robot moves …
This activity helps students understand how a LEGO MINDSTORMS(TM) NXT robot moves using motors and wheels. Then students relate the concepts of decision-making actuation and motion in humans to their parallels in mechanized robots, and understand the common themes associated with movement.
Students are given a difficult challenge that requires they integrate what they …
Students are given a difficult challenge that requires they integrate what they have learned so far in the unit about wait blocks, loops and switches. They incorporate these tools into their programming of the LEGO MINDSTORMS(TM) NXT robots to perform different tasks depending on input from a sound sensor and two touch sensors. This activity helps students understand how similar logic is implemented for other every day device operations via computer programs. A PowerPoint® presentation, pre/post quizzes and worksheet are provided.
Introductory exercise in Google Sheets for elementary students. This valentine reveal pixel …
Introductory exercise in Google Sheets for elementary students. This valentine reveal pixel art PDF lesson assumes some prior teaching in concepts like column name, row name, and cell name. Teacher will need to create Google Sheets template for younger elementary students. Could be adapted for MS Excel.
After completing the associated lesson, students test their understanding in two programming …
After completing the associated lesson, students test their understanding in two programming tasks that utilize LEGO MINDSTORMS(TM) NXT robots and sound/touch sensors. In the first challenge, students become acquainted with wait blocks by designing programs to simply make robots move forward until "hearing" a noise, and then turn left. The second, more challenging activity pushes students to fully understand the potential of wait blocks. They create programs that make the robots change speed several times when a touch sensor is pressed. Students gain practice in the iterative design-program-test-redesign process. A PowerPoint® presentation, pre/post quizzes and worksheet are provided.
Students learn about electrical connections, how they work and their pervasiveness in …
Students learn about electrical connections, how they work and their pervasiveness in our world. They consider the usefulness of wireless electrical connections for connecting electrical devices. Morse code is introduced as a communication method that takes advantage of on/off states to transmit messages by electrical bursts sent via wires, light or sound. They learn the Morse code rules and translate a few phrases into Morse code. Specifically, they learn about a wireless connection type known as Bluetooth that can be used to control LEGO robots remotely from Android devices, which leads into the associated activity.
Through four lesson and four activities, students are introduced to the logic …
Through four lesson and four activities, students are introduced to the logic behind programming. Starting with very basic commands, they develop programming skills while they create and test programs using LEGO MINDSTORMS(TM) NXT robots. Students apply new programming tools move blocks, wait blocks, loops and switches in order to better navigate robots through mazes. Through programming challenges, they become familiar with the steps of the engineering design process. The unit is designed to be motivational for student learning, so they view programming as a fun activity. This unit is the third in a series. PowerPoint® presentations, quizzes and worksheets are provided throughout the unit.
Students are introduced to the basic concepts of computer programs, algorithms and …
Students are introduced to the basic concepts of computer programs, algorithms and programming. Using a few blindfolds and a simple taped floor maze exercise, students come to understand that computers rely completely upon instructions given in programs and thus programs must be comprehensive and thorough. Then students learn to program using the LEGO MINDSTORMS(TM) NXT software. They create and test basic programs, first using just the LEGO NXT intelligent brick, and then using basic movement commands with the LEGO NXT software on computers. A detailed PowerPoint® presentation, plus a worksheet and pre/post quizzes are provided.
This lesson introduces students to the major characteristics of robots. The associated …
This lesson introduces students to the major characteristics of robots. The associated activity uses the LEGO MINDSTORMS(TM) NXT system as an example. Before studying robots in more detail, it is important for students to consider the many items they encounter in their daily lives that are robots so they can explore ways engineers can utilize robotics to solve problems in everyday life.The activity also serves as an introduction to the LEGO NXT system so that students may utilize it as an educational tool in subsequent lessons and activities.
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