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Mathematical Modeling Challenge 1 - Meals on Wheels
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The mathematical modeling process often begins with messy real-life problems that require students to formulate questions, make assumptions, and construct a mathematical model to describe a real world situation. Wisconsin Math Council is happy to launch our Wisconsin Modeling Challenges. Each challenge contains the context and a strategy to launch the modeling task so that students at any grade level can identify questions and make observations. Each challenge also contains specific grade level modeling tasks related to the context. WMC hopes that these challenges will engage your learners in experiences to become “flexible users of mathematics who see how mathematics can be used to understand their world and the world around them.”

The Context for Challenge 1: Meals on Wheels delivers approximately 221 million meals each year to 2.4 million seniors. Meals are delivered around lunch time by volunteers who also conduct wellness checks.

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Career and Technical Education
Family and Consumer Sciences
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Wisconsin Math Council
Date Added: