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Native People of Wisconsin
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An essential title for the upper elementary classroom, "Native People of Wisconsin" fills the need for accurate and authentic teaching materials about Wisconsin's Indian Nations. Based on her research for her award-winning title for adults, "Indian Nations of Wisconsin: Histories of Endurance and Survival," author Patty Loew has tailored this book specifically for young readers.

"Native People of Wisconsin" tells the stories of the twelve Native Nations in Wisconsin, including the Native people's incredible resilience despite rapid change and the impact of European arrivals on Native culture. Young readers will become familiar with the unique cultural traditions, tribal history, and life today for each nation.

Complete with maps, illustrations, and a detailed glossary of terms, this highly anticipated new edition includes two new chapters on the Brothertown Indian Nation and urban Indians, as well as updates on each tribe's current history and new profiles of outstanding young people from every nation.

Also Available, Native People of Wisconsin Teachers Guide: https://wisconsinfirstnations.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Native-People-of-Wisconsin.pdf

American Indian Studies
Environmental Literacy and Sustainability
Social Studies
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Patty Loew
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