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  • WI.SS.Hist3.c.h - Evaluate and justify predictions of potential outcomes of current even...
  • WI.SS.Hist3.c.h - Evaluate and justify predictions of potential outcomes of current even...
Women in the Modern Civil Rights Movement
Unrestricted Use
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Who comes to mind when considering the Modern Civil Rights Movement (MCRM) during 1954 - 1965? Is it one of the big three personalities: Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, or Rosa Parks? Or perhaps it is John Lewis, Stokely Carmichael, James Baldwin, Thurgood Marshall, Ralph Abernathy, or Medgar Evers. What about the names of Septima Poinsette Clark, Ella Baker, Diane Nash, Daisy Bates, Fannie Lou Hamer, Ruby Bridges, or Claudette Colvin? What makes the two groups different? Why might the first group be more familiar than the latter? A brief look at one of the most visible events during the MCRM, the March on Washington, can help shed light on this question.Students will be able to conduct an inquiry into the following research questions through this source:Who were some of the women leaders of the Modern Civil Rights Movement in your local town, city, or state? What were the expected gender roles in 1950s - 1960s America?Did these roles vary in different racial and ethnic communities?How would these gender roles affect the MCRM?Who were the "Big Six" of the MCRM?What were their individual views toward women in the movement?How were the ideas of gender similar or different from the MCRM and the later Black Power Movement?How did African American women in the MCRM relate to women in other women movements of the era (ex. Chicano, LGBT, or American Indian Movement)? 

Gender Studies
U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Jen Wachowski
Date Added:
Women’s Suffrage in the United States – Teach a Girl to Lead
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The goal of this module is to provide resources and information about the history of women’s vote in the U.S. Looking at the women’s suffrage movement provides a framework for exploring the changing role of women in politics and society in the 19th and 20th centuries. The history of suffrage offers an opportunity to examine women’s roles at critical points in the nation’s history, and to think about the impact of women’s voting behavior on politics in our time.
Activities and discussion questions are designed to explore the changing role of women in society and in politics. The module includes ideas for developing lessons on women’s suffrage and integrating the issue of suffrage into lessons on US history and politics, and to consider the impact of full suffrage on politics and society today.

Civics and Government
Elementary Education
Gender Studies
Social Studies
U.S. History
Material Type:
Rutgers Eagleton Instutue of Poltics Teach a Girl to Lead
Date Added: