All resources in Wisconsin District ACP Resources

Navigating the Career Readiness Hub

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Welcome to the the Career Readiness Hub! We're excited to see so many of you joining the group. To make sure we have a consistent understanding of OER resources and sharing content appropriately, please take some time to navigate the attached WISELearn slide decks, especially the "Curating and Rating Resources" deck. And don't forget to join the "Wisconsin District ACP Resources" group!

Material Type: Other

Authors: Karin Smith, Lynn Aprill

Exploring Biodiversity

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This lesson plan can be connected to a career-ready path, as it focuses on important concepts related to biodiversity and the impact of human activities on it. Students who are interested in pursuing careers in biology, environmental science, ecology, conservation, or other related fields would benefit from gaining knowledge and skills related to biodiversity. Additionally, the research skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills that students will develop in this lesson can be applied to a variety of careers. For example, individuals who work in conservation or environmental science may need to evaluate the impact of human activities on biodiversity and design solutions to mitigate negative effects. Overall, this lesson plan can help students gain valuable knowledge and skills that are relevant to a wide range of careers in the STEM fields.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Homework/Assignment

Author: Thomas Pfeiffer

ACP Business Directory

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This is a blank copy of our District's ACP Directory that we use as a reference for all work based learning experiences.  All teachers have access to this document and can add to the list at any time. All career clusters are listed on this document to meet the needs of all students. This resource can be used as a template for any school district.  

Material Type: Student Guide

Author: Ryan Bock

Future Resume

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Students create a resume for their future selves. This way they can see/plan what they want their future to look like. This can also tie into a goal setting unit. I've use an assigment similar to this in Career Exploration. 

Material Type: Self Assessment

Author: scott mankiewicz

Oconomowoc High School Career-Connected Learning Resource Guides

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This career-connected learning document houses two resource guides for both teachers and students at Oconomowoc High School. Each resource guide is modeled after the DPI's Academic & Career Planning resource: Know, Explore, Plan & Go. While exploring our school's current status in regards to career-connected learning, we discovered a need for an accessible, centralized resource for current and future educators. After collecting student feedback, we also discovered that students have a need for an accessible, centralized resource guide, as well. This document is a living document, and as career-connected learning evolves and expands at Oconomowoc High Scholl, our goal is that our resource guides not only helps make that possible, but evolves as well.These documents will be housed in Class Link, in Xello, and under staff and student bookmarks on our school's intranet.

Material Type: Student Guide, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Danielle Chaussee

Professional Luncheon Lesson Plan

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This is a lesson plan for a professional luncheon. It goes over dress attire, dining etiquette, social expectations and other resources needed to help students successfully participate their first business luncheon. This was part of a resource guide developed for teachers and students. 

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Tera Loppnow

Feel the Love February

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This event occurs every February at Oconomwoc High School. The goal of the event is to raise money for Children's Hospital behavioral and mental health programs, to reduce the stigma around talking about mental health, and to provide students with opportunities to explore careers in the mental health field.

Material Type: Other

Author: Brianne McGuire

Oconomowoc High School Global Sustainability Career Connected Learning Activity

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This resource contains the documents used by students in our Global Sustainability cohort who participated in a bilingual action project with a community partner. The projects are designed to help students develop professional skills by reflecting on goals they want to achieve through participation in the project. The students complete an initial reflection, multiple check-ins throughout the year and an end of the year reflection. The students also create an impact report that is shared with their community partner. 

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Kelly Holtzman

Computer Science Soft Skills Practice

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This is an activity designed to have students develop soft skills, specifically communication in a computer science setting using python and the repl IDE.  It can be given as a full document, broken up into a jigsaw activity and altered to accomodate different computer languages and IDEs.  The goal is that students develop needed skills for a career that we don't generally practice in class but are still highly valued by future jobs, even outside of IT.  This was created for english readers but can be altered for any language.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Steven Seidl

Heroes Of The Holocaust

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In this project-based learning lesson plan, students will explore the historical narratives surrounding the Holocaust and the significance of its impact on the world. Through a variety of activities and assessments, students will develop their critical thinking and analytical skills, as well as their knowledge of the Holocaust and its implications. In this lesson, they will be exploring Heroes of the Holocaust.

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Author: Lindsey Gall

Project Based Learning

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Racine Unified School District has utilized the academy model for the last seven years at each of the three comprehensive high schools, Park, Case, & Horlick.  Within the last year, the focus was to increase Project Based Learning (PBL) in the classrooms beyond those that are Pathway or CTE oriented.  As the Instructional Coach at Horlick, I oversee PBL in the classrooms.  This lesson highlights one part of how teachers implement PBL.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Kerry Sett

Personality Styles

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Students will take a personality style quiz that is already uploaded in Xello to discover their understanding of how they may or may not enjoy a career. Students will go through a 28 question survey with questions based on how they feel about a specific topic. The rating scale is based on how much you like an activity: Like it very much, like, not sure, dislike, dislike very much Once a student finishes the 28 question personality style survey they will go right into the Personality style Lesson (roughly 30-40 min) that will match careers with their personality style focusing on the type of work environment and task that students will enjoy based off their style. Specific topics within the lesson are: What’s a Personality Style?, Job Tasks and Personality Style, Your Personality Style, Personality Style Advantages and Career Exploration.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Lesson Plan, Self Assessment

Author: Randi Kisner

Career Comparison and Argument

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This formative assessment is designed to help students choose a hypothetical (or real!) career for the purposes of imagining, researching, and writing in real-lfie circumstances. In doing so, it asks for the review, application, and synthesis of some wide-flung skills including:1) Brainstorming relevant criteria through personal reflection, research, or interview.2) Researching on reliable sources. (W.7)3) Collecing and citing sources. (W.8)4) Argumentative/Analytical thesis writing. (W.2)5) Complex sentence strategies. (L.3a) 

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Author: Brian Phelps

Genetics Career Research Project

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This resource is a project that allows students to explore careers related to the topic of Genetics.  Students will research a career that interests them related to Genetics, create a presentation, then present to the class.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Formative Assessment, Homework/Assignment, Rubric/Scoring Guide

Author: Luke Statz

Pop-Up classroom Restaurant simulation

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Students at Oshkosh West High School put their culinary skills to the test by launching a pop-up Italian restaurant on Thursday as part of a Senior Transitions class.The student-led pop-up restaurant titled, Okie Gnocchi, aims to teach students a range of valuable skills in a real workplace setting in hopes of setting students up for success after high school.The entire process included applying and interviewing for their roles, learning to master cooking, and refining their customer service abilities.  

Material Type: Unit of Study

Author: Mary Gabriel