All resources in CR Essentials

ACP Career Readiness Goal 22: Investigate student ACP accountability measures (giving credit, graduation requirement etc.) and develop a proposal to enhance student ACP accountability in the district

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If the ACP goal that your team selected was "Investigate student ACP accountability measures (giving credit, graduation requirement etc.) and develop a proposal to enhance student ACP accountability in the district", then these give resources will be helpful in establishing your accountability goals.

Material Type: Other

Author: Lynn Aprill

Eighth Grade ACP Lesson 10: Post Secondary Planning

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I can identify post secondary options of entering the workforce, completing an adult apprenticeship, military service, technical college, four year college public, four year college private. (review from 7th grade-discovering pathways) I can explore district pathway maps. I can explore careers of interest that require a high school diploma, technical college certificate, degree, and/or 4 year college

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Marcia Waldron-Kuhn

Tenth Grade ACP Lesson 10 - Youth Apprenticeship

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As a junior and/or senior, you may have a unique opportunity to participate in a program which allows you to spend part of your day or week in on-the-job training called Youth Apprenticeship. Youth Apprenticeship (YA) integrates school-based and work-based learning to instruct students in employability and occupational skills defined by Wisconsin industries. In this lesson, you will investigate the Youth Apprenticeship program and connect with your local Youth Apprenticeship coordinator if you are interested.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Tenth Grade ACP Lesson 9 - Workplace Skills and Attitudes

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Employers often talk about the skills they need in an employee. You may have heard them referred to as soft skills or employability skills or transferable skills. We like to them of them as essential skills, because they are skills that are essential to just about any career. These might include communication skills or basic measurement skills or teamwork. In this Xello lesson, you’ll have the opportunity to think about the skills which are essential to careers today.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Tenth Grade ACP Lesson 8 - Researching Labor Market Information

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What is labor market information? Why is it important when thinking about what types of careers you might want to do in your future? Knowing the labor market in your area can help you save time and money by focusing your educational and employment choices to those jobs which actually have openings or are growth opportunities. Today we’ll be investigating some of the Labor Market Information resources provided by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to help you conduct labor market research on careers of interest.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill