All resources in CR Essentials

Tenth Grade ACP Lesson 7 - Work Values

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A work value is something that's important to you in a career. For example, you may value a career that allows you to work with your hands, or be outdoors, or work on the computer exclusively. You may prefer a work environment that provides you with immediate feedback on your performance or one where you work independently. Whatever you value, knowing what's important to you can set you on the path to a career you'll find satisfying. Today, you will consider the values which will help you to choose the best career fit for you. You have two options for finding this information.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Tenth Grade ACP Lesson 4 - Career TedTalks

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The Internet has hundreds of places where you can find career information. We’ve explored a few new places besides Xello over the years. Another great resource is videos! If you aren’t familiar with TedTalks, they are short informational speeches about a particular topic. Today you’ll have the choice of a TedTalk to watch on a career-related topic and then you’ll reflect on what you learned from the talk.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Tenth Grade ACP Lesson 1 - Xello Update and Resume Builder

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Welcome back to Xello! You’ve been adding important information into your Xello profile the past four years. From skills to experiences to favorite careers, your Xello profile should be full of information about you, what you are interested in, and what you’ve done so far to work towards college or career after high school. Today, we’ll be taking all of that information and putting it together into a resume. First, follow the directions to log into Xello and personalize your Xello page with your tenth grade banner and photo.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Eleventh Grade ACP Lesson 1 - Update Xello and Traits

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Welcome back to Xello! Throughout your academic and career planning process, you’ve had the opportunity to use a variety of resources to explore how your skills, talents, and interests align with careers. As you enter the second half of your high school experience, there will be coursework, extra curricular, volunteer, and work-based learning experiences to help you gain valuable career readiness traits that are important to starting a successful career journey.  Today we will update your experiences in the “About Me” section of your Xello profile, and explore key personality traits that are essential for career success.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Eleventh Grade ACP Lesson 11 - Work-Life Balance

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In this lesson, you will assess how your current work (school) demands affect family life, free time, etc., identify the work demands of a career of interest, and explore strategies for maintaining a healthy life-work balance now and in the future.  You will also identify strategies to manage time and stress when balancing the demands of your current responsibilities and future career.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Eleventh Grade ACP Lesson 10 - Networking

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Networking is defined as “the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts,” and can be a powerful job search strategy. Making connections can not only help you find out about job opportunities, but may also connect you to people who can help you get the job. You can use relationships you already have to network, such as friends and family. However, it is also important to find other opportunities to network, and this can take place through your involvement in extracurricular or community activities, by volunteering in your community, or simply through the people that you know!

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Eleventh Grade ACP Lesson 8 - Entrepreneurial Spirit

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In case you aren’t familiar with the term, an entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operates their own business. In this lesson, you will identify the skills and characteristics that make entrepreneurs successful, investigate paths to becoming an entrepreneur (e.g. starting your own business, buying a franchise, etc.). You will also explore characteristics and skills that you’ve developed that demonstrate your entrepreneurial spirit!

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Eleventh Grade ACP Lesson 7 - Budgeting

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Knowing how to budget your money is important for your financial security, ensuring you can pay basic living expenses like food & clothing, rent or mortgage payments, transportation, tuition, insurance, and have money left for entertainment. Budgeting is a proactive approach to organizing your money.  Budgeting ensures you're not spending more than you're making, allowing you to plan for short- and long-term expenses AND help you make a plan to save for larger future purchases that support your lifestyle goals!  You simply want to be able to track your income left over after all expenses to ensure you're not falling into debt.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Eleventh Grade ACP Lesson 6 - Communicating My Career Plan

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In preparation for opportunities to network and interview for jobs, it is important to prepare a brief summary of yourself relevant to your experiences, interests, and short and long term career goals.  This summary is often referred to as an “elevator pitch.”  Creating an elevator pitch is useful for every post secondary plan and can be used when talking with employers and military recruiters, and it can a framework for a more detailed personal statement often used on a college or scholarship application!  

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Eleventh Grade ACP Lesson 5 - Choosing a College

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In this Xello interactive lesson, you’ll explore your feelings about post-secondary education and will rank the factors that are most important to you when selecting technical or 4-year colleges/universities that are a good fit for you.  You will rank these factors and will compare how the colleges that you have saved in your profile stack up to what you feel is most important.  

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Eleventh Grade ACP Lesson 4 - Exploring Colleges

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Even if you’re not sure you’ll be heading to a technical college or four-year college or university your first year after high school, you never know where your future career will  take  you.  It  may be later in your career that you decide that additional education is necessary to advance you in your field.  So why not start thinking about potential schools that  would make a good fit for you?  In this activity, you’ll explore schools in Xello to help you identify factors that you feel are important in your postsecondary education goals, saving at least 3 schools and identifying the factors that influenced your selections. 

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Eleventh Grade ACP Lesson 3 - Transferable Skills

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Workplace skills that are not specific to one career are often called soft skills or transferable skills. These are the skills that you would need to navigate most workplaces.  In this lesson, you will begin by recording your current use of transferable skills in your part-time job, volunteer, extra curricular, hobbies, and/or classroom activities and will identify the importance of these skills in your future career. Once you’ve reflected upon your current use of a few key transferable skills, you will then update the skills included in your About Me profile.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Eleventh Grade ACP Lesson 2 - Career Demand

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In this interactive lesson, you will learn about job projections and outlook, factors that impact job demand, such as changes in technology, demographics, business practices or production methods, consumer preferences, and workplace restructuring, and explore the importance of reviewing your career plan based upon the demand for the career that interests you!

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill