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  • WI.AG.ESS3.b.12.m - Explain the importance of recycling.
  • WI.AG.ESS3.b.12.m - Explain the importance of recycling.
Recycling Infomercials
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
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During a unit on recycling the students are challenged to find ways to reuse items they throw away to create useful products they can use at home.  The students create a product and then they create an infomercial to sell their product.  The student needs to consider what materials they used, how they are helping the environment by reusing trash, and they need to be creative.  The students present their infomericals to the rest of the class who represent a banking and investing group that evaluates the product and then determines if they would invest in it or not.  The students can make a video, slideshow or present face-to-face for this project.  The students are given instructions, a rubric and the banking and investing company evaluation sheet for this project.  

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Glenda Crook
Date Added: