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  • WI.2020.ELA.R.5.4 - Determine the meaning of words, phrases, figurative language, academic...
  • WI.2020.ELA.R.5.4 - Determine the meaning of words, phrases, figurative language, academic...
The Callers by Kiah Thomas
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Overview: The Middle Grades Literature Study practiced “reading like a teacher” in order to use high-quality, current and diverse middle grade texts within instructional materials to ensure students are meeting grade-level reading standards, can read and comprehend a variety of complex literary and informational texts, while better understanding themselves and others and experiencing the joy of reading. The resources provided include ideas for meeting grade-level standards in grades 3-6, completed text complexity analyses, and additional resources and texts to consider. We hope these might serve as a model for literacy leaders and teachers to replicate at the local level.

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Reading Literature
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Robin Bindrich
Abigail Kreisa
Date Added:
rez dogs by Joseph Bruchac
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Overview: The Middle Grades Literature Study practiced “reading like a teacher” in order to use high-quality, current and diverse middle grade texts within instructional materials to ensure students are meeting grade-level reading standards, can read and comprehend a variety of complex literary and informational texts, while better understanding themselves and others and experiencing the joy of reading.The resources provided include ideas for meeting grade-level standards in grades 3-6, completed text complexity analyses, and additional resources and texts to consider. We hope these might serve as a model for literacy leaders and teachers to replicate at the local level.

Reading Literature
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Robin Bindrich
Dawn Klein
Date Added: