Submitting Games-based Resources to our Group; Start Today!
by Chris Baker 7 months, 4 weeks agoHey everyone!
A very important (and very useful!) aspect of being a part of this group is the ability for users to submit, borrow, discuss, and collaborate around games-based library + learning documents, resources, links, tools, etc. -- all of which could help illuminate group members about games-based library and educational activites/services, usable templates, readymade program materials, collection development practices, project collaboration opportunities, and more!
I've already created a number of folders (consisting of different relevant subject area "buckets") that you can begin uploading/linking resources to. Let me know if you've got questions about the folders or would recommend a new folder option.
Uploaded resources take the form of submitted or linked "Open Educational Resources" (OERs). For more information about what consitutes an OER, please click the link I included. Some other helpful links to get folks started sharing resources:
- If you'd like instructions about submitting an OER resource, you can head to this page here. There are two ways to submit a resource:
- As an "open author" yourself (naming, describing, and uploading a resource you have to share; could be a document, .zip file, images, etc.). - CONTRIBUTE AS OPEN AUTHOR
- Linking to an existent web resource. This is a very easy way to start contributing by linking to resource and websites online that you think would be helpful! Make sure you choose the correct Usage Rights (more below). - SUBMIT A LINKED WEB RESOURCE
- As an "open author" yourself (naming, describing, and uploading a resource you have to share; could be a document, .zip file, images, etc.). - CONTRIBUTE AS OPEN AUTHOR
- During the submission process, it's important to choose the correct "Usage Rights"; this link will help explain the different options. (Note: often the correct choice will be 'Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs', which allows "others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially").
- For information about "quality guidelines" about OER submissions, you can click this link.
- If you've got more questions about OER sharing, here is a link to WISELearn's FAQ page.
Helpful library program-based examples of resources already submitted include a Dungeons & Dragons Introductory 'One-Shot' Experience (submitted by Todd Gibbons), and Pokemon programming materials (submitted by Julia Lee).
I KNOW there are lots of games-and-libraries experts in this group! Whether they are resources or links related to board games, card games, Esports, video games, games-based programming, games-based collection development, and more, please share your expertise by uploading and linking resources. Please make sure you use the instructions and guidelines listed above to help with the process.
I'm super pumped to see what you all will begin sharing! Please feel free to ask questions here about this process if necessary, and I will do my best to answer.