The genius group from Madison Wisconsin added Grade 2 Cultivating Genius/Science: "How do seeds get planted in nature?"
to science/equity project - cultivating genius - on Aug 06, 11:23amThe genius group from Madison Wisconsin added Kinder Cultivating Genius framework science "What do plants need to survive?"
to science/equity project - cultivating genius - on Aug 05, 11:52pmThe genius group from Madison Wisconsin removed Lesson
from science/equity project - cultivating genius - on Jul 31, 04:27pmThe genius group from Madison Wisconsin removed Lesson
from science/equity project - cultivating genius - on Jul 31, 04:27pmThe genius group from Madison Wisconsin added Second grade cultivating genius and science "How do plants get light?"
to science/equity project - cultivating genius - on Jul 31, 04:13pmThe genius group from Madison Wisconsin added 1rst grade Cultivating Genius Framework science "How do human interactions negatively affect sea turtles and how can we help the turtles and other animals survive? "
to science/equity project - cultivating genius - on Jul 31, 03:21pmThe genius group from Madison Wisconsin added fifth grade Cultivating Genius framework science: Constellations: A Global Perspective
to science/equity project - cultivating genius - on Jul 31, 02:29pmThe genius group from Madison Wisconsin removed Lesson
from science/equity project - cultivating genius - on Jul 31, 01:15pmThe genius group from Madison Wisconsin added fifth grade Cultivating genius framework science exploring careers
to science/equity project - cultivating genius - on Jul 31, 01:14pmThe genius group from Madison Wisconsin added Lesson 1 fourth grade Cultivating Genius framework science How does transferring energy affect our health?
to science/equity project - cultivating genius - on Jul 31, 01:14pmThe genius group from Madison Wisconsin added fourth grade cultivating genius framework with science: How does transferring energy affect out health?
to science/equity project - cultivating genius - on Jul 31, 01:14pmThe genius group from Madison Wisconsin added fourth grade lesson 3 Cultivating Genius Framework science: How does transferring energy affect our health?
to science/equity project - cultivating genius - on Jul 31, 01:14pmThe genius group from Madison Wisconsin added Third grade Cultivating Genius Framework science "How is conserving monarchs important to the preservation of the culture of Mexico? "
to science/equity project - cultivating genius - on Jul 30, 04:52pmThe genius group from Madison Wisconsin added Third Grade science lessons with Cultivating Genius Framework "How was the search for where monarchs migrate an international effort?"
to science/equity project - cultivating genius - on Jul 29, 11:19pmThe genius group from Madison Wisconsin added First grade science lessons with Cultivating Genius Framework "Mae Among the Stars "
to science/equity project - cultivating genius - on Jul 28, 10:58pmThe genius group from Madison Wisconsin added Kindergarten science lessons with Cultivating Genius Framework "What are the needs and wants of this classroom community?"
to science/equity project - cultivating genius - on Jul 26, 08:08pm