All resources in Riverdale Numeracy Routines

Fourth Quarter Grade 3 Which One Doesn't Belong

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The images on this google slide show are best used in the context of a number talk where children are gathered in a common space and know the routine of sharing thoughts and ideas. Teachers use talk moves to keep the dialogue going among and between student, focusing on mathematical ideas and vocabulary found within the images. The teacher’s role is to facilitate the conversation, allowing a forum for the sharing of important ideas.

Material Type: Learning Task

Author: Jessica Hudson

Grade 4 Fourth Quarter Which One Doesn't Belong? Routine

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The images on this google slide show are best used in the context of a number talk where children are gathered in a common space and know the routine of sharing thoughts and ideas. Teachers use talk moves to keep the dialogue going among and between student, focusing on mathematical ideas and vocabulary found within the images. The teacher’s role is to facilitate the conversation, allowing a forum for the sharing of important ideas.

Material Type: Learning Task

Author: Stacy Ottman

Grade 4 Fourth Quarter Tiled Number Questions Routine

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Before beginning this routine with the students, view Steve Wyborney’s presentation on “Tiled Number Questions.” Show slide. Students should have paper copies of the slide to show their thinking/work. Point out to the students that the white square in the bottom left corner is one square unit. Ask the students to identify the area of the shape on the slide. Students will either color in their design to show the area or write in the area of each shape with their pencil Ask students: “Is there any other way to show the area of this design? How many different ways can you show the area? For an added challenge, change the value of the bottom left corner square.

Material Type: Learning Task

Author: Stacy Ottman

Grade 4 Fourth Quarter Talk-a-Mile-a-Minute Routine

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This google slide show can be presented as a number routine to develop mathematical vocabulary in Grade 4 studetns. Determine partnerships. Explain that one partner will be the “talker” and the other will be the “solver”. The “talker” is to give clues for each word on the list and have the “solver identify the words within one minute. The “talker” may only use definitions, examples, and descriptions when giving clues. “Talkers” are not allowed to use rhymes or any part of the target words. Have students stand or sit so “talker” can see the vocabulary words on the smartboard and “solver” cannot see it. Set a timer for one minute and begin! Listen for great clues and misconceptions to share and clarify when the minute is up. Before having students switch roles, have them identify category of listed words. Switch roles and continue with next slide.

Material Type: Learning Task

Author: Stacy Ottman

Grade 4 Fourth Quarter Close, Far, & In Between Routine

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This google slide show will be used by grade 4 teachers with their students as a numeracy routine. In this routine, "Close, Far, In Between" from Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics, Van de Walle focuses on number sense development and relative magnitude. Relative magnitude refers to the size relationship one number has with another. Three numbers are displayed for students to consider. These can be written on the board, chart paper, or shown using the document camera. Teachers display three numbers then ask a variety of questions prompting students to think about relative magnitude and build a more sophisticated understanding of our number system.

Material Type: Learning Task

Author: Stacy Ottman