The images on this google slide show are best used in the …
The images on this google slide show are best used in the context of a number talk where children are gathered in a common space and know the routine of sharing thoughts and ideas. Teachers use talk moves to keep the dialogue going among and between student, focusing on mathematical ideas and vocabulary found within the images. The teacher’s role is to facilitate the conversation, allowing a forum for the sharing of important ideas.
This google slide presentation describes a numeracy routine for grade 2 use …
This google slide presentation describes a numeracy routine for grade 2 use during the second quarter. The routine involves sequencing various representations of numbers on a clothesline. Printable materials are included.
This google slide show organizes estimation exercises in a sequence by weeks. …
This google slide show organizes estimation exercises in a sequence by weeks. Teachers use the slide show with students to promote finding structure and estimating.
This google slide show will be used by third grade teachers with …
This google slide show will be used by third grade teachers with their students as a numeracy routine. Students should be given time to notice and wonder about each slide. Students then engage in discourse to tell whether they believe the math presented is a fact (true) or a fib (false) and why.
This google slide show will be used by third grade teachers with …
This google slide show will be used by third grade teachers with their students as a numeracy routine. Students should be given time to notice and wonder about each slide. Students then engage in discourse to tell whether they believe the math presented is a fact (true) or a fib (false) and why.
This google slide show organizes hundreds charts number puzzles in a sequence …
This google slide show organizes hundreds charts number puzzles in a sequence by weeks. Puzzles are online and linked to this slide show. Teachers can use these with students to promote number sense, addition, subtraction, and place value.
This google slide show will be used by third grade teachers with …
This google slide show will be used by third grade teachers with their students as a numeracy routine. Students should be given time to notice and wonder about each slide. Students then engage in discourse to find what is the same and different mathematically about the given images. Images for this particular slide show are from
This google slide show will be used by third grade teachers with …
This google slide show will be used by third grade teachers with their students as a numeracy routine. Students should be given time to notice and wonder about each slide. Students then engage in discourse to tell how the two pictures, numbers, expressions, or equations are the same and how they are different.
This google slide show will be used by third grade teachers with …
This google slide show will be used by third grade teachers with their students as a numeracy routine. Students should be given time to notice and wonder about each slide. Students then use algebraic reasoning to discuss what each shape in the mobile is "worth".
This google slide presentation is a collection of Steve Wyborney's SPLAT! routine, …
This google slide presentation is a collection of Steve Wyborney's SPLAT! routine, arranged in a sequence by weeks for use with grade 3. Students will work on subitizing, finding missing addends, and creating equations to represent their thinking.
This google slide show will be used by third grade teachers with …
This google slide show will be used by third grade teachers with their students as a numeracy routine. Students should be given time to notice and wonder about each slide. Students then engage in discourse to find which two statements are mathematically correct and which one is not.
The images on this google slide show are best used in the …
The images on this google slide show are best used in the context of a number talk where children are gathered in a common space and know the routine of sharing thoughts and ideas. Teachers use talk moves to keep the dialogue going among and between student, focusing on mathematical ideas and vocabulary found within the images. The teacher’s role is to facilitate the conversation, allowing a forum for the sharing of important ideas.
This google slide show organizes "Who Am I?" number puzzles in a …
This google slide show organizes "Who Am I?" number puzzles in a sequence by weeks. Puzzles are online and linked to this slide show. Teachers can use these with students to promote number sense and precise mathematical vocabulary.
This google slide show organizes "Would You Rather?" questions in a sequence …
This google slide show organizes "Would You Rather?" questions in a sequence by weeks. This series is recommended for third graders in the third quarter. Teachers can use these with students to promote number sense and precise mathematical vocabulary. Students will construct viable arguments and discuss their choices mathematically.
This google slide show organizes "Who Am I?" number puzzles and "Bingo …
This google slide show organizes "Who Am I?" number puzzles and "Bingo Boards" from Solve Me Puzzles at in a sequence by weeks. Puzzles are online and linked to this slide show. Teachers can use these with students to promote number sense and precise mathematical vocabulary.
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