All resources in Menominee Indian School District

Native Americans in World War II

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Overview / Description: This unit will examine the participation of Native Americans in World War II and their impact on the overall war effort. It will also look at the Native American perspective on the war and their participation. Guiding Questions: Why did Native Americans participate in WWII?What roles did Native Americans play in WWII?  How many Native Americans participated in WWII and what impact did they have on the overall war effort? In what ways did Native American participation in WWII connect to and/or change their cultural identity? What are some of the perspectives related to Native American participation in WWII? Learning goals/objectives:   Analyze primary and secondary sources related to the topic of Native American participation in World War II. Using information gathered, construct an argument about the presence of Native Americans in World War II. 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Jessica Pingel

Native Americans in the Great Depression

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Overview / Description: This unit will examine the experience of Native Americans during the Great Depression in the United States. It will integrate comparisons with the experiences of other minority groups as well as exposing students to primary source documents related to the government policies which were adopted toward Native Americans during the time. Guiding Questions: What were the US government’s policies toward Native Americans leading up to the Great Depression? Were they fair? What was FDR’s response to the struggles of Native Americans during the Great Depression? What was the Native American experience like during the Great Depression and how did it compare to other minority groups? Learning goals/objectives:    Analyze primary and secondary sources related to the experience of Native Americans during the Great Depression. Summarize the experiences of Native Americans during the Great Depression. 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Jessica Pingel

Medicine Wheel

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The medicine wheel has many teachings about balance in life: from ourselves to directions, to life stages, to medicines, to seasons, to elements, and many more. Here to share a few teachings through meditation, drawing, and CGI math. 

Material Type: Unit of Study

Author: Diane Burr


Powwow Lesson (Lesson 1)

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In this lesson, students will learn about the tribes in the state of Wisconsin and how they celebrate the social gathering of the powwow. Students will view videos of powwow related to the tribes that are close by, or who's land their school is on. Students will also read the book Bowwow Powwow by Brenda Child.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Natasha Verhulst