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Sixth Grade ACP Lesson 11: Research Company Profile

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It’s great to know which careers align with your skills and interests. But where will you find a job in one of these career fields? Do you know businesses in your community or state which have employees doing the kind of work you are interested in? In this activity, you will have the opportunity to find some employers which hire for your career interests and do a little research into these companies.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Seventh Grade ACP Lesson 2: Career Trailblazer (group activity)

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It’s natural to make assumptions about careers. But it’s also important to know that the ideas and biases we have about fields of work can have an impact on our career decisions. Although laws have been written to combat biased hiring practices, it does not mean the stereotypes or assumptions no longer exist. In this activity, you will work as a team to share the story of one individual who overcame the odds in their field of work.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Seventh Grade ACP Lesson 10: Exploring Learning Styles

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You have already spent time looking at learning styles and determining which style allows you to learn best in different situations. Your learning style can’t tell you what classes you’ll get good grades in. And it sure doesn’t reflect your ability to learn. But there are lots of ways you can tap into your preferred learning style to help you when you’re studying or working in class. You may already have a good idea of what techniques work best for you. In this Xello lesson, you will investigate visual, auditory, and tactile learning styles, and explore how understanding your own learning style can help you in school and on the job. Make SURE you have already taken the Learning Styles quiz in Xello before starting this lesson!

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Seventh Grade ACP Lesson 11: Jobs and Employers

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Have you ever heard the quote, “It’s not WHAT you know, it’s WHO you know?” Interacting with others to build relationships and exchange information is called networking. When you are searching for a job, you will probably explore job boards, professional social networks, and industry-approved accrediting associations. Networking with these communities can help lead to career opportunities. In this Xello lesson, you will investigate job search strategies and research potential employers in your community.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Seventh Grade ACP Lesson 13: Visit a Huddle Board

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Think about these questions: Who gives you the best advice? Who gives you great advice on dating? Who gives you advice on your math homework? You probably have three different people you turn to, depending on the topic. How about this question--Who gives you the best advice about career planning? You can probably name a few people. What would the advantages be of consulting an expert in the field that interests you? In this activity, you will have the opportunity to get advice about an occupation that interests you from a career coach who performs that job.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill

Seventh Grade ACP Lesson 7: High School Pathways

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Today we’re going to start exploring career pathways. A career pathway map helps students by providing a bridge from high school career components to the post-secondary options you just learned about such as the military, 2- or 4-year colleges, or working full time right after high school. Even though you aren’t in high school yet, it’s important to know what type of options you will have once you get to high school. Following a career pathway map can help you determine the courses you should take, the co-curriculars you might join, and the certifications you can achieve to give you a big jump-start to your career.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Lynn Aprill