All resources in Connecting WiSSS to UDL/dce

Kick-off to UDL & WiSSS (Workshop #1)

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Establishing the "why" of both Universal Design for Learning and curriculum mapping is the focus of the first workshop in this series.  During this first workshop, participant learning targets include... I can explain the concepts of UDL.I can describe expert learning.I can explain why clearly defined learning goals are important to both students and teachers.I can apply UDL lesson planning approaches to remove barriers for students.I can contribute to building a respectful, active, collaborative, and growth-oriented learning environment.This presentation could take place in a half-day workshop or broken down into shorter timeframes based on the learning targets.  

Material Type: Curriculum Map, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Mia Chmiel

Introduction to UDL Coaching (Workshop #2)

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This second workshop in the series builds upon participant understanding of UDL and introduces the value of coaching.  Using key points from recent research, participants will understand the impact of coaching on their own practice and on student outcomes.  Participants identify an area of the UDL design framework to focus on with a coach and develop a plan.  The learning targets for this second workshop are...I can explain the role of coaching when implementing change in instruction.I can explain the varied support.I can determine my next step in building knowledge about and implementing UDL.

Material Type: Curriculum Map, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Mia Chmiel

Coaching: UDL Look-fors (Early Adopters)

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The UDL Look-fors Guide provides descriptions of implementation in the classroom.  This guide may serve as a key document in setting goals for instructional coaches and teaches.  Leadership teams may also use the descriptors on this document to determine areas of focus for instructional rounds.Note:  this document is meant to be used for early adopters of the UDL framework and is by no means an exhaustive list strategies.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Mia Chmiel

WiSSS Building Background (Workshop #3)

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This presentation takes can be used as a facilitation process to complete the WiSS gap analysis for middle school.  This 3rd workshop in the "UDL and WiSSS" is a deep dive into the Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies and includes the launch of a gap analysis.Learning Targets:I can identify the key shifts in the Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies.I can analyze the Anytown social studies curriculum for alignment to the Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies.

Material Type: Curriculum Map

Authors: Mia Chmiel, Katie Rein