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  • WI.SCI.CC7.k - Students observe some things stay the same while other things change, ...
  • WI.SCI.CC7.k - Students observe some things stay the same while other things change, ...
Kindergarten science lessons with Cultivating Genius Framework  "What are the needs and wants of this classroom community?"
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This lesson incorporates the pursuits from Cultivating Genius (framework by Gholdy Muhammad) to a science lesson that can be taught during the science lesson for kindergarteners on 'wants and needs'. Or what living things need to survive. K-LS1-1. Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to surviveThe Pursuits addressedIdentity is addressed in this lesson as students are thinking about what they need to learn and how it is similar and different from that of their peers. They are thinking about their individual role in helping the community reach the goal of everyone learning and why everyone learning is important to them. Intelligence is addressed as students are assessing their own skills and knowledge and putting it to an action of making their classroom community a better place. Joy is a pursuit addressed in this lesson as students will feel a strength in their own ability to change the community in a positive way for everyone, respecting the different needs of each student in the classroom and working towards a shared goal.

Character Education
Reading Informational Text
Material Type:
Learning Task
The genius group from Madison Wisconsin
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