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  • WI.MME.MC1.a.10.m - Summarize the importance of target marketing.
  • WI.MME.MC1.a.10.m - Summarize the importance of target marketing.
Market Identification and Segmentation - Lesson and Ethical Case Study
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This lesson teaches students about market identification and segmentation, with a focus on ethics. First, use the Discussion Guide (found in Task 1) to teach students about this concept. Then, use the ethical case study and response questions to assess their understanding. This activity allows students to understand target marketing and its implications. A full lesson module related to this concept can be found on the MBA Learning Center. Visit mba.instructure.com and search for "MP:003" in the Commons. 

Business and Information Technology
Career and Technical Education
Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
MBA Research and Curriculum Center
Date Added: