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  • school-based-enterprise-module
School-Based Enterprise Module 1: The SBE Process
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Completing the SBE certification process is a time consuming and rewarding project. Your school-based enterprise will be better because of the work that you do. It is highly recommended that you use project management tools to organize, plan, and execute the completion of the SBE certification documentation. The project management tools you will need are included in this packet. “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” (Benjamin Franklin). Before you create your project management plan, you first need to understand what work needs to be accomplished. Each of the modules is set up the same. Completing the tasks in order will help you learn and understand what you need to know and keep you on track for completing the tasks. A downloadable version of this lesson can be found in the Resource Library. More school-based enterprise modules can be found here: https://mbastatesconnection.mbaresearch.org/

Business and Information Technology
Career and Technical Education
Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
MBA Research and Curriculum Center
Date Added: