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Grade 2 Which One Doesn't Belong Routine Quarter 1
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This google slide show will be used by second grade teachers with their students as a numeracy routine. Students should be given time to notice and wonder about each slide. Students should then provide reasoning for how each number or picture is different from the others. Teachers should focus on connections and precise vocabulary.

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Junie B. Jones Introduces Literacy Mystery Boxes
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
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Junie B., as she insists on being called, is an opinionated, lively, character in Barbara Park's series of books, and she is sure to delight primary students. In this unit, the teacher reads aloud selections from Junie B., First Grader (at last!). Students discuss the text with a partner and then individually compose sentences about key events from the story. Each student also creates and adds items to a mystery box, or a box that holds items or pictures referenced in the story. After students have listened to the entire story, they use their mystery boxes to retell the story to a classmate. As a culminating activity, students use the mystery boxes and the sentences they composed to make a related stapleless book about the story.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
International Literacy Association
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