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SLJ 2021 Collection Development Weeding Survey Summary.pdf
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A survey invite was emailed to approximately 13,000 U.S. school librarians and 10,000
U.S. public librarians on February 5, 2021, with a reminder to non-responders on
February 15. The survey was also advertised in SLJ newsletters and via social media. The
survey closed on March 6 with 784 U.S. responses.
Tabulation and analysis was done in-house by SLJ research. The data is unweighted.
The majority of survey questions were worded to apply to both school and public
libraries. Select questions were broken out by library type if the question wording
and/or answer choices warranted it. Tables in this report are segmented by type of
library for easy comparisons.

Library and Information Science
Material Type:
Primary Source
School Library Journal
Date Added: