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American Indian Studies in Wisconsin (Act 31) Resource Manual
0.0 stars

This resource guide, funded by an IMLS grant, shares information, curriculum and booklists for elementary and secondary age youth on both WI tribes and those outside of WI. There are acquisition sources for materials listed in the 66 page manual as well as a wide array of information of use to libraries of all types throughout WI. This resource is a treasure trove for collection development for all ages in libraries! - Reviewed by Marge Loch-Wouters
This publication is available through the
Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa College
Community Library
13466 W Trepania Road
Hayward, Wisconsin 54843
715/634-4790 108/122

American Indian Studies
Social Studies
Material Type:
Reference Material
Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa College Community Library
Date Added: