Product/Service Planning Project

Product/Service Planning Project

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You are the new marketing manager for a relatively small and unknown company that sells beverages. You have been hired with the hope of improving the general business condition and reputation of the firm. Your task is to develop a new product and design. When completing the project, follow this outline:

  1. Product Development
  1. Brainstorm ideas for your project and document each one that you come up with. This activity does not need to be typed.
  2. Describe how you evaluated your ideas and how you came to choose which one you would use.
  3. Explain your product in one paragraph as if you were trying to convince a customer to buy it. This paragraph should sum up the reasons to purchase your product.
  4. Create a brand name, brand mark and trade character for your product.
  1. Product Positioning
  1. List five possible competitors for your product
  2. Explain how you hope to position your product and why
  1. Prototype
  1. Make a prototype of your product. It will be graded on how professional and neat it is and if it looks like something that a business would actually sell.
  2. Describe your target market with at least five very specific characteristics taken from the areas of demographics, psychographics, geographics or behavioral traits. Explain how the packaging that you designed will appeal to this audience.
  1. Promotion
  1. Design a magazine advertisement for your product that includes a headline, illustration and your brandmark (logo).

This should be a formal paper in paragraph form including all headings and sections listed above.

Be creative and have fun!

Grading Rubric

  1. Brainstorm ideas for your project and document each one that you come up with. This activity does not need to be typed.

0                1                2                

2. Describe how you evaluated your ideas and how you came to choose which one you would use. Logical, reasonable explanation of why the final idea was chosen.

0                1                2                3                

3. Explain your product in one paragraph as if you were trying to convince a customer to buy it. This paragraph should sum up the reasons to purchase your product.

0        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        10

4. Create a brand name for your product. Catchy, original, appropriate for business.

0                1                2                3                4                5

5. Create a brand mark for your product. Catchy, original, appropriate for business.

0                1                2                3                4                5

6. Create a trade character for your product. Figure given human characteristics that is original and appropriate for business.

0                1                2                3                4                5

7. List five possible competitors for your product

0                1                2                3                4                5

8. Explain how you hope to position your product and why. Identifies specific type of positioning and why it was chosen.

0            2                4                6                8                10          12           14                    15

9. Make a prototype of your product. It will be graded on how professional and neat it is and if it looks like something that a business would actually sell. Does it catch the eye?

0        3691215        18212325

10. Describe your target market with at least five very specific characteristics taken from the areas of demographics, psychographics, geographics or behavioral traits. Explain how the packaging that you designed will appeal to this audience.

0        2        4        6        8        10        12        14        16        18        20

11. Design a magazine advertisement for your product that includes a headline, illustration and your brandmark (logo).

0        3        6        9        12        15        18        21        23        25

12. Spelling, grammar, typos, types and professionalism

0        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        10

Total points possible: 130

Total points earned ____________

Letter Grade ____________


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