Wisconsin Critter Count

Wisconsin Critter Count and Snapshot Wisconsin

Wisconsin Critter Count is designed to be partnered with the Snapshot Wisconsin program. Snapshot Wisconsin is a Wisconsin DNR citizen science program that utilizes a volunteer-run statewide network of trail cameras to monitor wildlife. Snapshot Wisconsin is a great way to get students of all ages outdoors and learning about local wildlife! The project offers a unique opportunity to integrate science and technology into your classroom or nature center. To learn more about Snapshot Wisconsin, including how to host a trail camera, visit this link. Lesson plans are available for all ages and can also be accessed on the Snapshot Wisconsin educator website, view here.

Snapshot Wisconsin lesson plans consist of an educator handout detailing all procedures, suggested use and tips and tricks for the lesson plan. Additionally, there are usually student worksheet(s) or PowerPoint included. All are available in downloadable PDF forms below. For questions about the lesson plans please contact DNRSnapshotWisconsin@Wisconsin.gov. Thank you!


Educator Handout

Download: educator_handout.pdf

Student Handout

Download: wisconsincritterCountstudenthandout.pdf

Otter Fact Sheets

Download: wisconsincritterCountotterfactsheet.pdf

Landscape Activity Sheet

Download: wisconsincritterCountlandscape.pdf

This lesson plan was generated by staff members at DNR Snapshot Wisconsin. Feedback is always welcomed! Any questions or improvements? Contact us at DNRSnapshotWisconsin@Wisconsin.gov

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