Keyboarding Grading Scale

Introduction to Keyboarding Grading Scale

This is a differentiated grading scale that could be used to grade keyboarding timings. This grading scale allows students to be graded based on the typing skill that they currently have, instead of just being graded based on being able to type the state standard. For instance: if you had a 6th grader, the state standard is that they should be able to type 30wpm (5wpm/grade year). If a student was a slower typist and they could only achieve 10-15wpm on a timing then they would feel discouraged after repeatedly getting a bad grade on each timing (because 30wpm would be an "A"). On the other end, if you had a fast typist that could achieve 50-60wpm they would feel no need to push themselves after so easily being able to get a good grade on all the timings without even really trying. This grading scale allows students of all levels to be graded based on their typing ability. If a student types 20wpm, then they are expected to type and are graded on being able to type 20wpm. If a student types 50wpm, then they are expected to type and are graded on being able to type 50wpm. The second thing this grading scale does is promote a growth mindset in the students. Students get excited about getting to the next level and earning that achievement. They work harder to level up. Once they move up a level, then they are expected to type at that level and graded on that level. This cycle allows students to achieve significant growth in their typing ability.

Below is the grading scale in a Microsoft Excel file and also a PDF file.

Download: Keyboading Grading Scale Excel File

Download: Keyboarding Grading Scale PDF File

Side Notes:

  • The scale states that 1 error is allowed and after that a single point is deducted. Please feel free to adjust this to your own philosophy on how errors should be calculated into a students grade.
  • The scale grades timings based on a 25pt scale. Feel free to adjust this to your own amount of points.
  • Have fun with the animals associated with each level. Give the students badges with their new animal when they level up. Make it something that they want to try to achieve.
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