A Cool Connection: Using a short story or a one act play to explore the environmental impact of electricity use

  1. Connect, Explore, Engage Template

Download: A_Cool_Connection_the_environmental_impact_of_electricity_use.pdf

Activity Title: A Cool Connection: the environmental impact of electricity use

Abstract: As both a short story and a one act play, this reading revolves around a group of high school students seeking relief from a heatwave while planning activities for their Ecology Club. Along the way the storyline traces the path and environmental impact of our electricity use. The story highlights the conflict between wanting to protect the environment while also enjoying the benefits of modern technology.

Grade Level: 6-8

Lesson author(s): Joe Riederer/Big Bluestem Press      riedererjt@gmail.com

Instructional Materials Needed (if applicable):

The file : A Cool Connection_the environmental impact of electricity use includes the following documents:

A Cool Connection as short story 

A Cool Connection as one act play

A Cool Connection: Powerful Concepts student edition

A Cool Connection:  Powerful Concepts teacher edition

Wisconsin Standards for English Language Arts Addressed (ELA Full Document or Literacy in All Subject Areas Full Document):







Wisconsin Standards for Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Standards Addressed (Full Document or searchable spreadsheet):


Evidence of Need:

Informal class discussion of the environmental costs and social benefits of electricity production.

Evidence of Success:

Students will be able to provide examples, beyond those highlighted the the story, of  the conflict between wanting to protect the environment while also enjoying the benefits of modern technology.

Inquiry Experience 1

Setting and Estimated Time:  Classroom / 45 minutes

Learning Target: 

I can use context cues, online resources, and a dictionary, to identify the appropriate definition of a term.

Formative Assessment:

Students will accurately complete Task 1 of A Cool Connection: Powerful Concepts


Working in small groups, students will use the text of A Cool Connection as short story, online resources, and a dictionary to select the appropriate explanation for each term or concept.

Inquiry Experience 2   

Setting and Estimated Time:  Classroom / 10 minutes

Learning Target:

I can list the steps electricity went through to get from the power plant to the apartment in the story.

Formative Assessment:

Students will accurately complete Task 2 of A Cool Connection: Powerful Concepts


Working in small groups, students will use the text of A Cool Connection as short story to list the steps electricity went through to get from the hydroelectric power plant in Manitoba, Canada to the apartment in the story.

Inquiry Experience 3

Setting and Estimated Time:  Classroom / 45 minutes

Learning Target:

I can construct a convincing argument, citing evidence from reputable sources, that supports or refutes a claim.

Formative Assessment: 

Students will present their argument to the class, as described in Task 3


Working as a small group, students will research and cite evidence from reputable sources, that either supports or refutes the following claim: “The use of air conditioners by able-bodied adults is bad for the environment and should be avoided.”

Other examples of conflict between wanting to protect the environment while also enjoying the benefits of modern technology could be substituted, such as:

-The carbon footprint of recreational air travel

-Living in remote areas while relying on automobiles for transportation to work and school

-The electronic waste generated by the constant updating of personal technology

Double check your plan for evidence of high quality instructional ELA materials as outlined by EdReports.org:

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