Connect, Explore, Engage - Bluebird Nestbox Data Collection using
Connect, Explore, Engage:
Bluebird Nestbox Data Collection using Siftr App
Abstract: Students will research the life cycle, characteristics, and behavior of the Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis). They will regularly monitor Eastern Bluebird nestboxes and collect data using the Siftr app and may choose to report the data to BRAW (Bluebird Restoration Association of Wisconsin). The data and observations can be used in various ongoing inquiry and research activities. | |
Grade Level: 11-12 grade Natural Resources | Lesson author(s): Beth Hoagland |
Instructional Materials Needed: Various bird identification guides, which could include: “Bluebird Restoration Association of Wisconsin.”, | |
Wisconsin Standards for English Language Arts Addressed for Grades 11-12: 4. Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and
other domain-specific words and phrases as they
are used in a specific scientific or technical context
relevant to grades 11–12 texts and topics. 7. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of
information presented in diverse formats and
media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in
order to address a question or solve a problem. | |
Wisconsin Standards for Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Standards Addressed for Grades 11-12: ELS.C1.C.h
Investigate and analyze
one’s own curiosities
about patterns that
emerge from outdoor
exploration to develop
new questions, draw
conclusions, or
formulate new ideas or
Reflect and share how
one’s perspectives
influence personal
curiosity, the pursuit of
knowledge, and respect
for others and the
environment. ELS.EX2.B.h Compare and contrast the competitive, predatory, and mutually beneficial interactions between different species and ecosystems and evaluate the impacts of each on the system. | |
Evidence of Need: Standards are listed above. | Evidence of Success: Students will develop a research product based on data collected throughout the project. The instructor may choose to evaluate student understanding throughout the project, for example, they may quiz students on their ability to identify birds and nests by sight. |
Inquiry Experience 1 - "Natural history of the Eastern Bluebird" Setting and Estimated Time: Learning Target: Formative Assessment: Procedure: Depending on the number of students involved, the instructor will choose how to assign topics for each student to research and share. The overall goal should be that all students achieve the learning targets listed above. Students can be assigned to contribute to a shared Google Slides document which they will then share with oneanother. In addition, each student should produce a slide containing assessment questions for peers. For example, each student would write a true/false, multiple choice, fill in the blank, and short answer question based on their topic. These assessment questions could include images of nest types or birds to be identified, or questions related to proper monitoring technique or bluebird natural history. | |
Inquiry Experience 2 - "Maintaining and monitoring eastern bluebird nestboxes" Setting and Estimated Time: Learning Target: Formative Assessment: Procedure: According to its website, Siftr is "a citizen science app that allows you to create projects for any topic, from biology and ecology to photography and language studies. Participants will use your project to go out into the field and collect data" ( An instructor wishing to use this lesson plan will need to build a "Siftr" project for his/her class to collect data specific to their nest boxes. The Siftr project created by the author of this lesson is provided as an example: It was designed with the intent to conveniently collect and organize data that will be reported to BRAW. The questions and pull-down menus correspond to the specific data points that must be compiled at the end of the season. BRAW has not approved or endorsed this lesson plan in any way. Students should be given an orientation to the use of the Siftr app, which can be accessed using a student or instructor's personal cellphone, digital notebook, or other mobile device in the field. Alternatively, students can take photographs in the field and record data on a data sheet and then upload them later to Siftr from a computer. Data sheets are available for download from BRAW, or you may choose to produce your own data sheet. As students make observations and collect data, they will be applying what they learned in the previous lesson. | |
Inquiry Experience 3 - Data Analysis and Reporting Setting and Estimated Time: Learning Target: Formative Assessment: Procedure: |