Group Information
Group Title
Wisconsin-Based Science Storylines Resources
Group Description
Sharing science storylines and resources to enhance existing storylines with Wisconsin-based information, such as data sets, phenomena, assessments, etc. These materials have been vetted using an High Quality Instructional Materials evaluative rubric.
This rubric is intended for use as an assets-based tool for finding High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) for use as or within storylines adapted for use by Wisconsin educators and students. The tool is comprehensive and aspirational, combining standards from EQuiP and OpenSciEd, but most of the materials vetted within this space will not meet all criteria because they are not full units. Those using this tool are NOT conducting exhaustive reviews of materials, but providing their opinion on the strengths of the materials in these categories. The intent in developing this rubric was to find Wisconsin-relevant resources to swap in and out of a full HQIM storyline. Please review the open-ended comments to read what we believe to be the strengths of the materials and suggestions for how to use them within HQIM storylines. Link to the rubric:
Group's Subject
- Science
Group's Levels
- Lower Primary
- Upper Primary
- Middle School
- Professional Educator
Group Type