Wisconsin Context for Science—Appendix A
by Victoria Rydberg-Nania 1 year, 9 months agoAppendix A lists real-world connections that are specific to Wisconsin, as well as connections to engineering and technology, for most science content standards (some boxes are blank where practical connections tend to work in any context, not just Wisconsin).
These connections are listed as a grade band progression, but most could be used at any grade level. The connections note which learning element progression they connect to (such as LS1.A). They are only provided for the Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth and Space Science sections. Engineering, Technology, and Society (ETS) is not called out as a separate section here; instead, those connections are provided in the context of science disciplines, as the standards intend for science and engineering to be integrated, not for engineering to be taught as a stand-alone subject. These sections are shaded grey to emphasize that these examples are not a required part of the standards. Teachers are encouraged to connect to local phenomena and meaningful engineering problems that make sense in their instruction and their community for their students.