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  • platteville
Platteville's Unknown Story
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This project is a great resource to the Grant County Historical Society (GCHS) and the Platteville area as it deals with a history not often told and one the GCHS does not have the resources to tackle on their own.   Several of the student reserchers said  “I hope that the exhibit will remind visitors of the complexity of our history and that there is always more to be told.”Even the boards used for the displays had a local connection.  They were designed by a Lancaster native who earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts with an emphasis in graphic design from UW-Platteville.By visiting the cemetery for photos and getting the opportunity to compile the information for the board from the historical markers and the Wisconsin Historical Society, researchers were able to  connect and learn more about an area that they thought they were already familiar with.  

Social Studies
Material Type:
Corey Thompson
Date Added: