Physical Science Power Standards, Skills and Content by Quarter

Science 9 Power Standards:

Science and Engineering Practices:

  • Standard SCI.SEP1: Students ask questions and define problems, in conjunction with using crosscutting concepts and disciplinary core ideas, to make sense of phenomena and solve problems.
  • Standard SCI.SEP3: Students plan and carry out investigations, in conjunction with using crosscutting concepts and disciplinary core ideas, to make sense of phenomena and solve problems.
  • Standard SCI.SEP4: Students analyze and interpret data, in conjunction with using crosscutting concepts and disciplinary core ideas, to make sense of phenomena and solve problems.
  • Standard SCI.SEP5: Students use mathematics and computational thinking, in conjunction with using crosscutting concepts and disciplinary core ideas, to make sense of phenomena and solve problems.

Physical Science:

  • Standard SCI.PS1: Students use science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and an understanding of matter and its interactions to make sense of phenomena and solve problems.
  • Standard SCI.PS2: Students use science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and an understanding of forces, interactions, motion and stability to make sense of phenomena and solve problems.
  • Standard SCI.PS3: Students use science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and an understanding of energy to make sense of phenomena and solve problems.
  • Standard SCI.PS4: Students use science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and an understanding of waves and their applications in technologies for information transfer to make sense of phenomena and solve problems.

Skills and Content by Quarter

Term 1:  


  1. Experimental Design
  2. Data collection and organization into graphs and charts
  3. Calculating using formulas
  4. Teamwork


  1. Motion
  2. Forces
  3. Conservation of Momentum and Mechanical Energy

Term 2:  


  1. Safe use of chemicals
  2. Data interpretation, finding relationships
  3. Modeling Phenomena


  1. The Periodic Table and Properties of Matter
  2. Chemical Bonding

Term 3:  


  1. Conflicting Viewpoints
  2. Extrapolating and Interpolating data
  3. Engineering Process


  1. Chemical Reactions
  2. Nuclear Chemistry
  3. Heat

Term 4:


  1. Research summaries
  2. Modeling Phenomena
  3. Engineering Process


  1. Waves
  2. Electricity and Magnetism  
  3. Energy Transformations

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