Intro to Macbeth

Macbeth Guided Notes

Fill in the blanks based on the lecture and video. Due at the end of class.

Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth takes place in the _______ century, and it happens in ___________. Shakespeare wrote this play in the year _____________ for King _________________________ who ruled over _______________ and ________________. His message in this play is that you if you disrupt the ______________________, problems will arise. This would have pleased the King because it meant that no one would try to usurp him. Usurp means to __________________________.  The problems in the play start with the ________________.

Video: What causes the curse? _________________________________________


What are three examples of how the curse affected productions of Macbeth?




What are three ways to counteract the curse?




Do you believe in the curse? Why or why not? _____________________________


A series of simple drawings depict the characters of Macbeth with personality traits and relevant plot details listed as well.
The Curse of Macbeth

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