

To introduce this unit I have the students raise their hand and tell me their favorite types of cheeses and how they like to eat them. I write the list on the board and explain that their are over 200+ varieties of cheeses. 


I show Modern Marvels Cheese Video and use the attached worksheet.

Download: Modern_Marvels_-_Cheese_3.doc

Cheese Documentary


Teacher goes through the notes on the different varieties of cheeses. Attached is a notesheet to use with the slideshow. 

Download: Classifying_Cheese.ppt

Download: Cheese_Notes.docx


After notes, go out and buy 10 different flavors of cheese that were talked about in the presentation. Cube the pieces up and label them with letters. Pass out each variety of cheese and let the students make observations in the following lab sheet. They are to try to figure out what variety it is based on the characteristics. They also rank the cheeses Like the most being 1 and least being 5 in the total column. Do not let the students eat the cheese until all are passed out and they can compare them. Then allow them to taste. After all observations are done, tell them the varieties.

Download: 201806111014.pdf

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