World Food Companies


Have each student take a note card, on the note card have them list one brand of food products (ie. Jif, Skippy, Smuckers for Peanut Butter). Have them pass the note card to the person on their left and repeat the process. The stipulation is that they can not rewrite the brand that they already used and can not repeat one written on the card. Have them do this 5 -7 times. The last time they pass the note card have them keep it. Then call on students to read brands off of the list. Make a large list of these brands on the board.


Have a discussion about the differences between brands. Can you tell the difference? Is one better than the other? Why do you buy the brand that you do? Does price make a difference? Are each of these brands owned by different companies? 


Have the students do brand taste tests of products. I usually do Cola's (ie Coke, Pepsi, RC Cola, and Store Brand) and Cheese Curls (ie Cheetos, Barrel O Fun, and store brand). I label cups with letters and numbers so the students do not know which is which.

Download: Taste_Lab.doc


After the taste Lab have them research what companies own some of the brands that they know. Are they owned by the same companies or different. Choose a Food Company and research that Company.

List of Food Companies:

Worlds Top Food Companies

Research Criteria/ Project:

Download: World_Food_Processing_Firms_Research.docx

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